Part 11 - The Crushed Rose

Start from the beginning

With that, she darted towards one of the weapon pods and mounted it, using her scythe blade to hook over the top of the pod. A few button presses later and she activated the return sequence, firing the thrusters of the pod and soaring into the air. She used her scythe to pull at the pod and directed it towards the Atlesian flag ship.

Her cape flapped in the breeze.

Ruby took a moment to look around at the stars of the night sky, then down to the burning city ruins below. "Yang... everyone... please be safe!"

The pod soared high above the airship, then started to stutter and stall as its fuel reserves ran out. The red caped huntress leapt off just before the pod's thrusters died and it fell towards the dying city.

With a thud, Ruby landed on the deck of the ship - using her aura to avoid shattering her leg bones. She stayed low for a moment, struggling to catch her breath and recover her aura.

The wind howled past her.

The moonlight shone brightly.

She stood and readied her weapon. "Okay Ruby... what was your plan again?" she laughed to herself.


Roman froze, his finger about to fire another plasma torpedo. "Neo... was that you?" he turned-

She glared.

"Sorry, 'Captain' Neo... geez..."

She smiled, but then shook her head.

Roman growled in frustration. "Great... can you do me a favour 'Captain'? Can you go see what that is?" he gestured up, to the deck. "Grimm, or hunters... either way it's gonna be bad news... and I was having so much fun too!"

Neo smiled and turned, heading towards the elevator with purpose. She hit the button for the deck and begun to strip her uniform off, it looked fancy and she liked it - but it was far too restrictive for actual combat. Luckily for Neo, she had stowed her normal clothes and umbrella in the elevator and had just enough time to get dressed before the doors pinged open.

Cinder looked over at Beacon tower in the distance and smiled. "Beautiful." she rested her scroll on the roof and broadcast the horror in the courtyard, as Atlesian knights fought hunters.

"Now kitty," she turned and smirked, then picked her blades back up and rushed him "thanks for waiting"


John twisted his sword awkwardly and just managed to block Cinder's right blade. He hopped back as her left blade sliced into his flesh, popping his aura and cutting deep into his ribs-

He groaned in pain and hopped back a few more steps, his blade remained in front and aiming at his lover. "P-Please Cindy..."

"You know..." Cinder snapped her blades together and held them forwards as she reached for an arrow. The cat stood still in confusion for a few seconds before recognising the form of her weapon-

Cinder aimed at his head and fired.

John hopped to the side-

The arrow cut across his face, just below his right eye, but he was able to dodge the worst of it and keep his sight.

"I've killed people for calling me 'Cindy'. It's a cute nickname, but it's insulting. I am not cute. I am fear" she dropped to one knee and held her bow horizontally with three arrows nocked at once.

She fired.

The cat jumped forwards, over the arrows and towards the archer. "This is crazy! Please! Stop this!"

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