Part 4 - Consequences

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"You're overreacting Neri-" John sighed.

"I AM NOT! YOU VOMITED IN MY HAIR!" she screamed, absolutely furious with him. The team walked towards the stadium. The sun shone brightly. The second day of the tournament - the doubles - would begin today.

The stadium was packed with far more people than yesterday. Every single civilian seat was filled. The red seats closer to the front were kept for participants and their teammates, these seats were much emptier.

"You washed it out-" John headed over to buy some snacks for his team, to make up for his drunken return to the dorm last night. He felt bad about vomiting on Neri, but he had already spent the last hour apologising and was getting a little sick of it.

His head hurt. His movements were slow.

"You have no idea, do you!? We thought she killed you!... Or something! But no, you were out getting drunk and licking her tonsils!" Nerisa screamed and started to drag Daryun to their seats.

The pair had found little in Cinder's teams's room. They got some encrypted files, but it would take time for Daryun's program to decrypt them. It was just a waiting game now.

John shook his head slowly. After spending some time with Cinder he couldn't believe that she would be involved in some sinister plot. She was a little controlling, sure, but she was nice. He smiled as he remembered their kiss.

"Yo!" a familiar voice called out.

John jumped and screamed slightly. He turned to the source of the voice.

"Dude... you look like shit, what happened?" Nume laughed.

"Argh... I'll tell you later" John rubbed his bloodshot eyes. "Where have you been?"

The archer smiled. A red haired girl walked up to him. "Nume...? You getting something? Or...?" Octavia asked.

The cat felt something warm grab his hand. He turned-

"Hey kitty" Cinder smiled at him. "I have a feeling my team's going to fight first, so keep me company".

John and Nume exchanged looks.

"Well 'kitty'" Nume laughed "We'll leave ya to it". The bunny led Octavia into the stadium.

Daryun's mouth dropped as John approached him, with Cinder holding his hand.

"Here you go..." John handed them some popcorn and drinks. "Neri... sorry again... about... you know...".

His teammates both sat, looking shocked.

Cinder pulled John away and towards some seats in the distance.

"... um... so... are they actually, like, a... couple now?" Nerisa's eyes followed them.

"Well, I guess that depends on what we find..." Daryun took a sip of his drink.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask - what happened to Raven?" Ruby stretched out in her seat and placed her popcorn in Anton's lap.

"You forgot to ask? Wow, that sounds bad..." Blake sighed.

"She died..." Anton looked sad. "I... couldn't save her..."

"Dude, there's nothing you could have done. It's sad, sure, but we barely knew her..." Clodus paused, feeling Blake's glare. "I mean, that doesn't make it less sad... but... there's no point worrying about it."

He sighed. Weiss was with Winter - a risky move as she might get called in to fight, but she didn't mind being late if it meant she could speak with her sister.

RWBY 3: FallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora