Gordo Vaca de un hermano

Start from the beginning

"You're evil. I can't wait until you start dating Harry,"

"Katie! Shhhh!" she jumped up, even though we're the only two in the room. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on; let's go eat."

We walked to the Great Hall, which was crowded, and sat near Jace. Why does George have to be so far away? I noticed Fred wasn't with them today. Probably with Angelina. Alicia and Lee started talking, and I watched George roll his eyes and smile, before clapping Lee on the back and leaving. He was probably going to one of the courtyards. I ate slowly, talking to Ginny, Hayden, and Jace. I got up and went to go look for Geoge after about twenty minutes.

I decided I'd play the stupid one, and ask why he was mad at me. I'm not manipulative... }:). Oh, I'm getting creepy. I went to the Library first, then got kicked out by Madam Pince. ("Quit loitering!" she had yelled. Psh, as if I wanted to be there.)Then I went to look at the places I see him the most at. He wasn't there, either. I looked for him for about 10 minutes, before finally checking the common room. I saw him sitting in front of the fire. I went and sat by him, and he jumped a little when I sat down by him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, Katie."

"Um, you're not mad at me, are you?" I asked, taking his hand. I should be an actress. (Katie the Magnificent in green neon lights) Ohhhh yeah.

"What?" he turned to look at me. "No! Not at all, I just...was busy."

"Ohh," I said, nodding my head.

"And I'm really sorry for whatever I did Friday," he held his hands up.

"Yeah, well, I probably enjoyed it." I told him. He laughed a bit, and ran his hand through his hair.

"There's a Hogsmeade trip this weekend, and I wanted to take you." he said,"As a date."

"Yeah, okay." I smiled.


The next few days were uneventful. Having Umbridge as a teacher isn't exactly pleasant. She looks like an overgrown kindergartner. Potions went by smoothly. I think Snape has been bathing more. And charms...well, I'm not good at making stupid things fly and stuff. The only mildly entertaining thing was when I got scolded by McGonagall for naming my half rabbit half goblet creation.

So yeah, my life is still dull. I have retreated into the shadows of Tara and Ginny, where I can live a melodramatic life of doing nothing.

Tsk, tsk.

Not even Jace can liven things up. He's too busy studying for O.W.L.s. (As if he's gonna get more than two.) It's sick that I can't hardly stand on my own without Ginny or Tara. Not that I'd ever admit this, but I have insecurity issues. I'm not very confident in my self.

I mean, I'm that moronic girl who can't walk down the hall alone. But then again, lots of girls are that way. It's disgusting. Guys don't group up like that. And, yet another thing I'll never admit to anyone but myself, even with Geoge I don't feel very special. I sighed.

"Katie, what are you doing?" Jace asked, looking up from his magazine he was reading.

Ginny was sitting on the floor, and the twins and Lee were sitting at a nearby table.

"Nothing." I muttered darkly.

"Right," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"What are you reading?" I asked, because Jace barely ever reads.

"Nothing," he said quickly, closing his magazine, and hiding it. "We haven't tal-"

"Quidditch weekly?" I asked, snatching the magazine. "I stopped subscribing. They quit posting scores of American teams,"

"Hey, give it back!" he said, jumping up and trying to snatch it from me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ginny look up with interest.

I opened the crumpled up page he had been reading. A large picture of Braden's head was there. I could feel four sets of eyes on my back, as Jace scratched the back of his neck.

"'Braden Rotar: A closer look.'" I looked at Jace, and chewed my lip.

"Well? Aren't you going to read it?" he asked warily.

"No. Why don't you just tell me what you didn't want me knowing?" I said, sitting back down.

"Just read it," he ordered.

Braden Rotar: A Closer Look

(Silvian Giller interviews Braden Rotar about his family life.)

S.G.- So, Braden, we all know you're a star on the pitch, but I'm sure it's safe to say that no one knows much about your personal life. So, how is your love life?

B.R.- I'm currently seeing a nice girl from Athens. She's moving in with me next week.

I choked, causing everyone to look at me again.

"That swine has a girlfriend? I bet she's some- some

"Katie, keep reading. It gets worse."

S.G.- Nice to know. A real heartbreakers for some of your fans; Now what do you have to say about the rumors of you and your fellow teammate, Erotia Shmidt?

B.R.- Well, I can assure you there's nothing- (Bla bla bla, who reads this stuff?)

S.G.- Is it true you and your sweetheart are getting married this July?

B.R.-(Laughs) Yes, it's true. July 11th. It's just a special day for the both of us, and we want our wedding day to be on it.

"He's getting married on my birthday. I bet that troll he's marrying is pregnant." My eye twitched.

"Keep reading," Jace said anxiously.

S.G.- Great! What a lovely thing. And I assume your family is coming, right? And maybe your team?

B.R.- Yes, we have sent out invitations, and everyone says they can make it. Is that all?

S.G.- No, No. On more. Oh, don't worry. It's easy. Out of all your siblings, who are you closest too?

B.R.- I guess that would have to be my little brother Morris. I guess it's because my two sisters are twins.

I gave the paper back to Jace, and gave him a look.

"I know," he said.

"He doesn't even know Morry! Poor child, he'll cry if he's called Morris. I'm not going to the wedding."

"You're brothers getting married?" Lee had come around to look at the paper. He shot me a sympathetic look.

Macy and I will Not be attending. I wrote her right after reading the letter. She felt the same way I did. Jace said he'd go for food. I just can't believe he'd act as if his family still knows him. Not even writing. I scowled.

(The title means 'Fat cow of a brother' in Spanish.)

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