"Well, isn't that a good thing that both of you have something in common?" I laughed at that one.

"No, dad. It's the opposites that attract. Negative times a negative equals a positive,"

"Kids," he mumbled. "Well, I still think you two are perfect for each other," he stubbornly said. This is where I get my infamous trait from.

"Sure, believe whatever you want." I giggled and checked the time on my phone. "Anyways dad, can I come over in thirty or so minutes?"

"Yes, doll. And introduce me to whomever you're bringing."

"Oh I will, dad. Don't bet on it."

After saying our goodbyes, I hung up the phone and went to sit next to Rose.

"Rose, we're going to go meet your grandpa," I excitedly said. She smiled vibrantly and jumped up and down.

"Will I like grandpa?" She asked curiously.

"Of course, he is very nice and funny."

"Okay, let's go meet grandpa!" She stood up from the couch and started walking towards the garage door. I giggled at her hastiness as she opened the door.

"Alright, alright," I said and quickly grabbed the snacks and followed her out the door.

When we arrived to my father's house, I unbuckled Rose and placed her down. I felt my palms sweating because of my nervousness and grabbed Rose's hand. I grabbed the snack bag in my other hand and walked towards the door.

I rang the doorbell and we waited outside what felt for hours, but it was probably just five seconds. Finally, the door opened and revealed my father.

He looked like he had aged ten more years. He had bags under his eyes and had a scruffy beard. His hair was unusually messy and looked more gray than before.

He looked at me and then traveled down my arm to see who I was holding hands with. When he saw Rose, his eyes widened a bit and looked at me in a confused manner. He didn't say anything for what felt like ages until I couldn't take it anymore so I broke the silence.

"Dad, I want you to meet Rosalie," I said and looked down at Rose with a smile. She looked a bit worried, but then smiled at him. I looked up at my father and saw him smile back.

"Oh, she's beautiful!" He exclaimed and went to pick up Rose in rapid speed. I barely had time to blink before I could comprehend what was going on.

I heard Rose's bell-like laughter in the background as he started to tickle her stomach.

"Come inside, Alessia. It's cold out," he said and motioned for me to come in. I did so and closed the door behind me. We walked into the living room and saw that it was unexpectedly well kept.

"Have you been cleaning?" I asked in surprise. I hear him chuckle.

"No, your aunt Cecilia has been coming over to help me out with the house," he responded.

I smiled, hoping to lighten up the mood. "Oh, well that's nice of her." He nodded his head in response. We sat down on the couch with Rose on his lap.

"So, who is this beautiful angel you wanted me to meet?" He asked as he bounced her up and down.

"Well," I said and trailed off. "She's my...daughter."

I looked away from his face and then faced him. He looked stunned for a moment.

"What do you mean?" He asked and then turned to look at Rose. He was probably looking for any physical similarities between her and I.

"Dad, I adopted her just a few days ago," I explained. "I just legally became her new parent."

He let out a sigh of relief and resumed to smiling at her. "Good, I thought you had her years ago and hid her from myself and your mom. You were going to be in so much trouble if that was the case."

I shook my head and laughed. "I would never do that to you."

"Thank the Lord," he said. "She is a beauty."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I know."

"Who's helping you take care of her?"

"It's just been myself with the occasional help from Julissa," I replied.

"What about when you go to work. Who do you leave her with?"

I stayed silent for a minute and pursed my lips. " I haven't really been going to work," I admitted. He looked at me in surprise.

"You? My daughter, Alessia Moretti, has not gone to work?" He mockingly gasped, which made Rose laugh.

"Dad," I complained. "What's the big deal?"

"It's just that I never would've thought this day was going to happen," he replied. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"That makes two of you."

"Who else agreed?" He asked me curiously.

"Julissa," I replied. I heard his throaty laugh fill the room. It was nice hearing my father laugh again.

"Well, it is true."

"Sure," I responded and glanced around the room. It was still the same when I had moved out.

Even though my parents owned a successful restaurant and had a daughter who earned millions of dollars, they still kept their old furniture.

The couches were a baby blue with flowers. The coffee table was still the same and had ring stains from the bottom of the mugs. The oak table in which the television was still the same. The blue curtains still hanged in front of the landscaped windows. The lamp beside the couch threw off yellow toned light.

I felt so comfortable in here. I felt like I was homesick all along, and when I sat down I was home again. I smiled at the memories we would share in this living room. On the weekends, we would binge watch all our favorite shows. On Friday nights, we would play board games or tell stories and drink warm tea on chilly cool nights like these. It was nice; I enjoyed my childhood.

"Do you want anything to drink?" My father asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded my head and smiled. "Tea."

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