Chapter 15

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(Not Edited)

Rose and my father had enjoyed each other's company. My father told me that he loved the idea that I adopted Rosalie and loved it even more now that he was a grandfather.

I smiled whenever Rose would make my father laugh. To see him rejoicing with happiness was a great feeling to me. I wanted my father to be happy and move on from my mother's death. Sure, it wasn't the easiest thing to go through, but at least we were going to be okay.

It was time for Rose and I to go back home. I needed to go back to doing paperwork at home and Rose needed to take her nap. Her eyes were starting to shut close as my father carried her out the door to the car.

"It was nice having to know that I have a granddaughter now," he said and glanced down at Rose. He gently kissed her forehead and then helped me strap her in her car seat.

"Now you can finally stop complaining about needing a grandchild," I jokingly said. We stood there by the car, looking at Rose and admiring her sleeping figure.

"Well, I guess you're right," he said and looked towards the house. He then looked back at me with a glimmer in his eyes. "Although, I do wish to see you get married soon."

I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Dad, I don't know when that'll happen. Honestly, I don't even think I'll ever get married."

"Why is that?" He asked.

"Because whenever I talk to someone, they always run away," I responded and felt my heart drop.

"Or, is it because you push them away?"

I stayed silent. He was right, and he knew it too just by looking at my facial expression.

I had pushed Mr. Lombardi away. He kept coming back, but every time he did I would push him to the side and continue my own path. Was that selfish of me?

I started thinking about the fact that instead of compromising with him, I would push him out. I wanted to bang my head against the car for my stupidity. No wonder why men didn't want to be near me.

But then again, he had a girlfriend.

I cleared my throat, needing a change to this subject.

"Anyways, I need to go home. Rose needs to get to bed so she won't hurt her neck," I said and pointed at a sleeping Rose.

My father nodded his head in response and gently closed her door.

"If you need someone to take care of her, you could leave her with me," he said as I climbed into the driver's seat.

"Don't you have to go to work, though?" I asked as I strapped my seat belt on and then faced him.

"Well, just call me in the morning so I don't go to work that day," he responded. He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you soon."

I hugged him back and smiled. "Okay, dad. See you soon as well."

He closed my door and waved goodbye as I drove away from his house.

When we got home, I gently carried Rose to her room and laid her down on her bed. Her mouth hung open and she was lightly snoring. I smiled at her passed out state and kissed her head.

I started having an epiphany that she was changing me. She was teaching me how to become a mother. I was learning that work isn't important. Family is what is more important. If I didn't adopt Rose, I would still be in my office right now working on paperwork.

I walked out of her room and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. I was hungry, but I didn't know what to eat. I sighed and sat on the stool by the breakfast table. I was tempted to call Julissa to tell her to have something sent to my house, but I knew she would disapprove.

I got up from the stool, but then I heard the house phone ring. I looked at the caller I.D. and coincidentally it was my personal assistant.

"Hello?" I said after I accepted the call.

"Miss Moretti, Mr. Lombardi wants to speak with you. He called me and claimed that he's been trying to reach you but you haven't answered any of his calls, text messages, nor emails."

I rolled my eyes and went to search for my cell phone. I grabbed it off the small table by the garage door and sure enough, there were about five missed phone calls and two text messages.

"Ok, I'll give him a call right now," I bitterly said as I went through the messages. They were fairly simple, just advising me to call him.

:Ok, Ms. Moretti. Have a nice evening," Julissa said.

"Likewise." I ended the call and started dialing Mr. Lombardi's number. He picked up on the second ring.

"Ah, it's nice to know that you haven't changed your phone number Ms. Moretti," he bitterly said on the other line.

"What do you want?" I asked, getting straight to the point. I didn't want to play funny games right now, especially since I was hungry.

"I just wanted to know if you are well," he said in the same cold tone. "You haven't been working lately. I thought you had the flu."

"No," I responded harshly. "I am not sick. I've just been busy with my personal life. And anyways, why would you care if I'm sick?"

"I just wanted to know," he replied and grumbled under his breath. "Anyways, I have to go. Ciao, Ms. Moretti."

I heard the end of the click and glanced at my phone. I shook my head and scoffed.

"That man is so irritating," I said to myself and stomped back to the kitchen. I angrily opened the refrigerator and grabbed the first things I touched.

I ended up with tomatoes, onions, garlic, red peppers, and some basil leaves. I decided to make pasta so I set the pasta to boil while I made the sauce. Cooking dinner was really helping me forget about the phone call. I paid more attention on not burning my food instead of what had happened.

Once dinner was ready, I served myself a bowl of pasta with a side of bread and sat down by myself on the table. Rose was still sleeping so it was just myself tonight.

I started thinking about how my life changed so quickly. I lost the person that meant the world to me, yet I gained a person who means the world to me now. My little girl. She's my world now, and I would do anything to protect her.

I smiled at the though of knowing that I had someone to take care of. I now had someone who was under my responsibility and someone to love. Now, I didn't feel alone anymore. Rose was my new adventure, my new experience and I was glad that I was given this new opportunity. She was given to me for a reason, and for that I will do anything in my power for her.

There, I sat, happily immersed with my thoughts as my daughter slept peacefully upstairs. 

I know, I know! I'm so sorry for not updating anytime soon! But hey, at least I wrote a new chapter even though  it's a bit short. *sigh* 

I'll try updating soon again. Please, I don't want to lose your support so vote and comment. ♥

Ms. CEOOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora