Season 3 Episode 34 On-Again, Off-Again Abby

Start from the beginning

don’t know what is!

With Cathy finally doing her own choreography she finally earned back the tinniest silver of respect. However, that was before I knew that Yvette was taking control. To Yvette and Hadley I say the same thing as I said to Zack and Gina, “Get out of there!” Yvette is the owner/teacher of a successful studio that actually beat Abby. Why would you leave to become a Candy Apple? Just, why? I think Cathy’s letting her take the reigns because she wants someone to blame when the group dance fails. I think she’s come to terms with the fact that choreography-wise she’s not as talented as Abby, but she still can’t accept defeat. So she finds a scapegoat instead.

Abby finally returns to the studio! Finally! I missed Abby. What’s her first order of business upon arrival? Let’s make this a game! Did she:

A.) Give Maddie a solo?

B.) Punish Brooke and Paige?

Or C.) Give Christie a big ole’ hug?

If you answered B then you are correct and if you answered C then you obviously have never watched this show in your life. So yes, Abby decides to punish the Hylands, not by taking away there dances, but by giving them solos, every week until Nationals. I don’t know if this will actually work out, partly because after this week there are only 2 more weeks until Nationals, but I guess it’s a good punishment. Essentially, Abby wants to over-work them and see if they’ll rise to the top or fall under the pressure. Brutal, but necessary in her eyes. She then targets Kelly and the rest of the moms. Kristie and Melissa immediately side with Abby, Jill and Holly manage to avoid picking sides and Christie jumps on the Hyland Bandwagon and starts defending Kelly by screaming at Abby. Bad move Christie, especially since your daughter has a solo. Your just lucky it wasn’t taken away.

During Mackenzie and Asia’s duet practice footage Abby reveals to us that this is actually a dance off to see who’s more fit for Nationals because apparently only one can have a solo. I feel like, unlike the Chloe vs. Maddie thing, we actually have someone to root for. Kenzie is totally cute and sweet. Asia’s sweet too, but her mom’s making her look like a villain. I personally want Kenzie to turn out on top, just because she’s improved so much and Asia just waltzed into the studio and tried to take her spot. I want to see a fire lit in Mackenzie’s eyes and I want to see her working 10X as hard to beat Asia and prove to Abby how amazing she is!

So it’s competition day, Abby didn’t show up and the ALDC is greeted by an angry mob of Candy Apple fans. They’re all holding signs dissing Abby and praising the Apples. At fist, I thought it was a joke, but after examining the bizarre scene I realized that the mob was just a bunch of Candy Apples. In fact, I’m pretty sure that the person who Kristie got in a fight with was Cathy’s husband. Don’t worry though, it didn’t turn physical. I don’t think any of the moms would hold Kristie’s earrings anyways, even if it was Candy Apples.

It’s time for Asia and Mackenzie’s duet and I instantly see that Kenzie’s expressions are getting so much better. At the end of the dance Asia “wins” the dance battle, which, if we were reading a book, basically foreshadows her victory over Mackenzie, or so Abby thinks. What she doesn’t know is that Mackenzie’s got the eye of the tiger, fighter, dancing through the fire, because she is a champion and your gonna’ hear her ROAR! (Sorry, but that song so applies to her situation!)

While watching Zack’s dance I realized that it’s a spiting image of Justice’s old dances. It’s comprised of the same leaps, leg lifts and more leaps. But, Zack looks amazing doing any dance, so I’d say he pulled it off.

Chloe’s solo was just PERFECTION! Her costume was beautiful, her choreography was brilliant and everything just clicked. I have no doubt that if she competed that dance against Maddie she would win. At the end of the dance I thought it was very sweet that Melissa stood up with Christie to applaud Chloe. She was the only other mother who did and I think it really shows how kind of a person she is.

During an uncomfortable confrontation between Cathy and the moms Cathy takes all the credit for the choreography, which completely sets Yvette off. She honestly should’ve expected it. This is what Cathy does. She takes credit for other’s work, but then blames them when it doesn’t go well. At this point Yvette is just making herself look bad.

Cathy’s group dance was a typical Cathy group dance. Yvette may have given the girls critiques, but Cathy definitely put the dance together. *Interesting Fact: One of Cathy’s actual dancers, Taylor, was in the group dance with Cathy’s recruits. You might remember Taylor as the girl that competed against Chloe in Season 1 when they both danced to “Dream on a Star”.*

I liked the group dance, “Black and Blue”. It was very pretty. Maddie, especially, did a great job.   

At the awards ceremony the duet won first! Kristie had to ruin the win by saying, “Mackenzie held Asia back.” Well, obviously she didn’t because they won 1st! I don’t think Kristie realizes that these rude comments she’s making about Mackenzie are going to be seen by Mackenzie and the rest of her family. This isn’t your diary sweetie, this is reality TV.

Chloe beat Zack and the group beat Cathy’s! I’ll finish the recap by using a Christie quote. “I’m glad that Cathy rode in on her broom today because we needed to borrow it for our clean sweep.” Couldn’t have said it better myself Christie.

Overall I’m giving this episode 4 out of 5 stars. **** I was about to give it 3, but Chloe’s solo completely saved it. The episode was ok, not great, except for when Chloe did her solo because that was truly perfection!

Next week the girls are in Sin City and are ready to pull out another win with the Hylands. However, Abby’s not letting them off so easily and definitely has a plan brewing.

*So, do you think the Hylands should’ve been punished? Are you on team Asia or team Mackenzie? Do you thing that Katy Perry’s song, Roar, perfectly sums up Mackenzie right now? Did you think that Yvette had a right to be mad? Was Chloe’s solo perfection? (Just kidding! I already know the answer to the last one!) Comment Below!*

*The photo in the side bar is of Chloe, dacing her solo, "I Know It's Too Late". I love her costume! The video is the lyrics to Katy Perry's new song, Roar, just because I thought it summed up Mackenzie's situation perfectly. I DO NOT OWN the picture OR the video*  

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