All That They Need To Know

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Skye's POV:

The whole team is sat around the table, watching me intently. It's now or never.

"So I've called this meeting for a reason. I've haven't been fully truthful with you guys." They all look at me with confusion and worry.

"As you know. I was experimented on. Made not born." I flinch at the the words coming outof my mouth before continuing. "As you also already know I was taken when I was fourteen. But I wasn't alone in my cell."

I look towards Fury who gives me a slight nod. "I was with a man. A good man too. But he wasn't from round here, or even from this time period."

I take a deep breath before continuing. "That first night you all met me, I was there on purpose. I knew you were going to be there. I had to get your attention. So I risked my life for you."

"I already knew about all of you. Except the part about Tony being my 'brother'. And I hoped you'd trust me. Even if it meant revealing my fears, my powers, and my past."

"The reason I did all this so I could find him. The man I was in the cell with. The man with the metal arm. The man who is my best friend."

By now I had tears streaming down my face Now Natasha spoke. "Metal arm? You mean the Winter Soldier?"

"Yes the Winter Soldier. I know him as James Barnes."

"You knew Bucky whilst HYDRA had him?" Steve spoke up for the first time since the meeting had started.

"Yes we were in the same cell together. He'd tell me stories about his life before all this. He told me stories about you. After each experiment session I'd comfort him and vise versa. But then he began to change. I used to ask him to tell more about his old life but everyday he'd get more and more confused about what I was asking him. Days, weeks, months went by like this.
That's when I realised they were doing to him what they had aimed to do to me. They brainwashed him. Stripped him of all memories. Except his memories of me. He still knew who I was. HYDRA probably didn't think it was important for him to forget me."

"What happened after that?" Tony asks hesistantly.

"The day they let me go and shipped me off to America, I promised him I'd come back for him. And I did. Two months later. But the place was gone. Leveled to the ground. I tried to find him. I really did."

"Why are you so desperate to find him? Other than what you've told us."

"I know how to find him. And I know how to get him memory back using my powers."

"I'll come with you." Steve tells me.

"No. I'm sorry but this is something I've got to do by myself." And I get up and go to my room grabbing my pre-packed bags. Before teleporting off the helicarrier.

Leaving only 3 handwritten notes behind.
And that was the last they heard of Skylar Stark for a long long while....

I'm sorry but this story has now come to an end....

A big thank you to all of you who read this book. You helped get it to over 20k reads and over 1.5k votes. I never thought it would get this far. Thank you xxx

I just want to give a special mention to Gem7654 scarletwidow Starry_nights64 xxmarvelqueenxx IrwinIsBeautifull95 for being great friends and supporting me throughout this book.

Yes there may be a sequel for those wondering, however I have exams very soon so if I do decide to make a sequel it would be after then.

Thats all for now,

Skye xxx

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