First Mission Part 2

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[Firstly I'd just like to say a big thank you for reading my story, I just hit 1k! It means so much to me! Thankyouuu :D ♡]

Skye's POV:

Dressed in my new catsuit and mask I feel like a proper agent/spy. My mask is just like my old one except navy blue like my catsuit. I'm waiting at the Quinjet for Steve to come. I made sure I was on time by waking up as early as possible. I'm actually fifteen minutes early but I don't care. It's 6:55 when I spot Steve making his way towards the jet. I smile at him and wave.

Secretly I'm so happy to see him. If I want this mission to succeed I need to put what happened between us in the past, maybe after the mission we talk about what almost happend between us.

"Hi" he says as he approaches me.

"Hey". He's stood right in front of me now. I notice as I look at his suit, it's navy blue, just like mine. I look at my own suit, look at his, and then look at mine again. He seems to have noticed what I was doing and looks as though he's about to say something. I stop him before he can speak by saying, "Hey, we can be like twins!" He chuckles and follows me onto the jet.

We buckle in, Steve next to me. The jet takes off and once we're in the air I can't help but get anxious. What if I mess up? What if I get him or both of us killed? My train of thought is interrupted as I feel a warm hand on my thigh. It's Steve. I look at him and he says, "don't worry, you'll do great". I look at him confused, "how did you know? I'm sure I'm the one with telepathy".

"You were bouncing your leg so much I'm surprised it didn't fall off" he says while laughing. I laugh with him, wondering how I didn't even realise I was bouncing my leg in the first place. "I didn't even realise".
He then gets up to ask the pilot how far away we are from our destination. He has his back facing towards me as he speaks to the pilot. I can help but stare at his torso. It's very triangular. Very broad at the shoulders then the rest of his body starts to go quite slim. The first word that pops into my head is Dorito. I start laughing as soon as I realise what I've just thought. He turns around and says that we'll be there in ten minutes maximum. He then looks at me confused and slightly freaked out when he sees me laughing at what probably seems like nothing to him.

"Is something wrong? Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine but I just couldn't help myself from looking at your torso"

His cheeks go red and so do mine as I realise what I've just said. "I mean seriously your shoulders are really broad but then you kind of get slimmer towards your stomach area. The reason I was laughing was because the first word that came into my head was Dorito. You know, the triangular shaped crisps."
He processes what I've just said and starts laughing with me. Actually he's probably laughing at how stupid sounded. Within seconds we are clutching our stomachs. After our laughter dies down he says,

"Come on, I know what Doritos are. I'm ninety five not dead."

"Really?! Who would have thought it, I never knew!" I reply whilst smirking. The jet bounces slightly as we reach our destination. As we get off the jet I turn around to see it already speeding away. I then turn to Steve with a look of determination on my face.

This is it.

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