Chapter 2

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~March 17, 1838~

Edith opened the curtains in Alice's room to let the bright morning sun shine in.

"Wake up young lady," said Edith, "you must wake up early today, since we have a very busy day today!"

Alice woke up to the voice of Edith, and saw that she had brought breakfast to her bed already. It had all her favorite foods in a single tray.

"Today we cream cheese crêpes with fresh strawberries and blueberries, a small variety of cakes and biscuits, and Earl Grey tea." Said Edith.

Alice was surprised that Edith had remembered most of her favorite foods, even with all of the things that she seems to have in her head.

Alice ate her delicious breakfast, and thanked Edith for the meal. Edith then went over to Alice to help her change into a beige colored dress with a lace collar and lace ends. She first put on her corset, which was the part Alice most hated. Then after that was over she fit in her dress.

Alice looked at the mirror in front of her, and saw as Edith was fixing her dress, her face looked different. She looked like she had something in her mind.

"Edith?" Alice asked. Edith quickly looked up.

"Yes milady? Anything troubling you? Is the dress not suit to your taste?" Edith inquired.

"No, no Edith, the dress is lovely as always," Alice said with a warm smile, "it is just that you seem to have something in your mind that you are troubled about."

Edith's expression changed from a frown to a smile, and said, "As expected of you milady, you know me too well."

Alice turned around to see Edith crying behind her.

"Is something wrong Edith? Is it something that I may have done?" Alice said worryingly, since she had never seen Edith cry. Edith's eyes opened wide and she shook her head.

"N-no, i-it's just," Edith stuttered "I just simply cannot believe that milady is already sixteen years of age... So many years have passed since I have known the Ashdown family, and I simply cannot believe it."

Edith wiped her tears with a handkerchief and took hold of Alice's hands. "And no, it is nothing that you may have done," Edith said, looking into Alice's eyes, "It is something that you will have to do. Please turn around milady so that I can fix your hair."

Something you will have to do. Alice was confused about what she meant, but she let the thought go. What was more important in her mind right now was to enjoy her birthday.

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