Chapter 16: Surprised

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I woke up and smiled. I had found the Matrix of Leadership and I now command the bots next to Optimus. Carrier would be so proud of me if she were here right now. I walked out of my room and into the main room. I figured everyone was awake now that it's nine in the morning. I was halfway to the main silo when I ran into Optimus.

"Good Morning, Max.", Optimus greeted.

"Good Morning, Optimus.", I replied.

We walked into the main room and it was chaos. Bots were running around everywhere. I couldn't believe the amount of chaos that was happening in front of me. If we stepped foot in the main room, we'd be pancakes in a matter of seconds. I looked over at Optimus and it looked like he couldn't take the chaos either. I decided to do something about it.

"Quiet!", I yelled, making everyone cover their auto receptors/ears.

That was a BIG mistake to do. I had gotten everyone's attention and now Optimus and I were surrounded by bots. We couldn't even move! I looked over at Optimus with an apologetic look in my optics, he only smiled.

'Its good to be back.', Optimus said through our Prime bond, I nodded in agreement.
It has been an hour since we got here and everyone has finally calmed down. Sire was slightly mad when I handed him all of his missing weapons. Wheeljack however, was really mad and kept complaining at how he was going to get his helm banged in for taking the weapons when it wasn't even him.

Optimus was right though, sire was glad that I was back in one piece..... If he only knew where I went and how I got there. I smiled to myself. Optimus and I had a lot of fun on the adventure to the tombs. We went racing, had some fun in the oil, and he even let his emotions run wild when he was around me.

"Hello? Anybody in there?", Miko pounded on my helm.

I came back to reality and blankly stared at her.

"What is it that you need, Miko?", I asked in a calm manner.

Optimus had been teaching me to keep my emotions in check and it was working perfectly....... sort of. I still have a difficult time keeping my emotions in instead of letting them loose. Optimus must have noticed my irritation.

"Matrix.", I looked up at him and he gestured me to follow him.

I followed him to his berthroom so we could talk in private.

"Are you having some difficulty, Max?", Optimus asked and placed a servo on my back.

"A little. It's difficult to keep my emotions in check around Miko. She tends to get on my nerves.... A lot.", I explained and he cracked a small smile.

"I understand. The thing that helps me is to think of your loved ones. They usually help you get through anything.", Optimus suggested.

"Who do you think of?", I asked and froze after realizing what I had said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I usually think of Elita. She was the love of my life before she died right in front of me.", a single tear escaped his optics.

"O-Optimus, your crying.", I moved in front of him and wiped the single tear away.

I pulled him up and hugged him. I could tell that he really needed it. I mentally kicked myself for even asking such a question like that. He was suffering from the loss of Elita and I didn't even think about it until after the question came out. He never talked to anyone about her because it hurt him too much. I brought those feelings back, its my fault he's crying.

"Don't feel guilty, Max. It isn't your fault. Honestly, I was thinking about her all day today and its good to finally get my emotions out.", Optimus whispered, the tears still coming.

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