Chapter 7: The truth and Sick

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It has been a week since Maggie threw Idy and Azzy into the tub. I still think it's funny to this day. Maggie was tucking me in for the night, sire thought I'd be a good idea if my permanent crib was in Maggie's room. I have no idea why and neither does Maggie.

The base was quiet, as usual. I smiled as Maggie stumbled over to his berth. He and the other bots had some high grade today. He only had 2, but that was enough to make him loose his balance a bit. I just hope he gets a good recharge tonight and that he feels better tomorrow.

I sprawled out in my crib and fell into recharge, shutting down all my systems.


I looked around trying to see something, anything in this dark void. A sudden light shined in the darkness and I notice a figure forming. I gasped as I recognized his form......Primus. I smiled to him as he shrunk himself down to about Maggie's height.

"Matrix, I see you have made new friends.", Primus said and I nodded.

"Yes, sir. Jazz is a big help when I am sad and Maggie isn't around.", I said using more of a grown up femme's voice.

"In this dream, I allowed you to speak like any normal being. I just need to warn you about one thing before I let you wake.", He inched closer to me and I nodded, "Listen to Optimus. He will be telling the Autobots something that you need to know, but he is afraid of telling you. Don't ignore him when he finishes talking, instead just accept who you are."

"Yes, sir. I understand, sir. If I may ask though, what will he be talking about?", I asked tilting my helm to the side.

"I cannot tell you that, for you must hear it from Optimus himself.", I nodded and he disappeared.

End of dream sequence.

I woke up in Maggie's room, thinking about what Primus told me. I suddenly didn't feel well and my tanks purged. Maggie woke up from the noise and seen I was hunched over my crib. His gaze went to the floor and his optics held a lot of concern.

He got up from his berth and cleaned up the floor. When he was done, he took a bucket and held me in his lap. He rubbed my back as I purged into the bucket. Cybertronians can get sick at my age, even though I am only 5 human months old.

As I purged again, the door opened and a white and orange mech came in. I knew it was Ratchet, but my vision was fuzzy do to the sickness. I leaned up against Maggie's chassis as Ratchet scanned me. My face was a dull gray and my optics were dim.

"When did she start purging?", Ratchet asked.

"Only about 10 minutes before you got here. When I woke up, she was hunched over the crib.", Maggie explained.

Ratchet didn't respond, but signaled for Maggie to take me and follow him. We ended up in the med bay and Maggie sat on the berth with me still in his arms. Ratchet shined a light down my throat and hummed as he turned it off and walked back to the computers.

"It seems she has Ethom (E-th-um).", Ratchet said and turned back to Maggie and I.

"Ethom? I thought only younglings could get that.", Maggie said confused.

"In human terms, she is a youngling. Optimus got her age wrong. In human years she actually is 5 years old. But as you know, for our species, she still needs bottles and her crib. At least until she is 16 human years.", Ratchet said and turned to the door, seeing Optimus there.

"Good morning, commander.", Maggie said and gave Optimus a nod.

"Same to you.", Optimus replied and seen me, "Commander, Ratchet, could we talk?"

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