I started the letter.

Dear Mom and Dad,

    If you have found this, I'm already miles away from here and I don't plan on coming back anytime soon so don't bother looking for me. I ran away from you guys because I feel like my life has been taken away from me. I have never felt loved by either of you and neither of you trust me. I'll be back in two years and if you send the police after me, I'll go into hiding. If you find me, I'll just run away again. You can't control me and I will never be like you. Maybe if you had let me have some freedom, we wouldn't be here right now. If you keep a bird caged, once you give it the chance, it will fly away and you won't ever see it again. If you treat it right and don't make it feel like a prisoner, it learns to love and want to stay with you. Take that advice and let me explore the world for myself without you telling me what it's like. I have also borrowed some money from the safe to help me with my journey and I will repay you when I return.

                                       I love both of you, but this needed to be done. Bye,


I signed the letter and placed it under my pillow. Now, I just had to wait for night to fall...


This was it. Almost, anyways.

It was ten forty-five and I lay in bed pretending to sleep. I couldn't sleep, even if I wanted to. My eyes were wide open and they'd stay that way. I crept out of my room and made sure everyone was asleep, before stepping downstairs and unlocking the safe. I put a pillow over the keypad so that the beeping was stifled. I typed in the code and opened it slowly. I took a few stacks of cash and put them in my purse. I was stealing from my own mum.

I closed it an crept back upstairs. I actually did it without being caught. It was eleven. I opened up my window and saw Luke standing there. "Throw me your bag." he whispered. I nodded and grabbed my bag from under my bed. As I threw it down, he caught it and I took the note from under my pillow and placed it on my bed. I dropped down the rope and swung my feet over the edge.

The chill of the night air made my shiver. Or maybe it was because of what I was about to do. This was part of my life, something that would change me forever. I close my eyes and breath in the scent. Not anything in particular, just some kind of scent to remember.

I climb down the rope and Luke places his hands on my waist to help me down. He turns me around once I get to the ground. "Are you sure about this?" he asks, holding my face in his hands. I nod. "Yes. I'm ready." he kisses my head and we walk in his driveway but his car isn't there.

"Where is your car?"

"Oh, I parked it a street down so that it wouldn't wake up our parents. We have to walk a little bit." he says. We carry our bags down the street and it's slient the whole time. I look at him a few times just to see any sign of emotion. Sadness, hapiness, maybe relief? I couldn't really tell. We get to his car and throw our things in the back before climbing into the front.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"We could go the city first and then from there we can see." he says. I sigh. "Ok."

He starts the car and we get on our way. I yawn and lay my head on the window. The cool glass feels good against my burning skin. "You can sleep...I'll drive for a while. Just till we get to London." he says.

"Are you sure? I can stay awake with you." I turn on the radio to keep myself awake.

"Just rest. We've got a big journey ahead of us." he says. Whether he mean't the distance to London, or the rest of our lives, he was right.

We did have a big journey ahead of us. And we'd be there together until the end.



YAY! So its short but a lot happened so yeah! What do yo think will happen? Do you think that they'll get an apartment or maybe live with friends. Who knows? Anyways, they're gone now and lets hope no one finds them......hopefully they wont but ya know how stuff changes in this big ole crazy world.

Please vote and comment and all that wonderful beautiul stuff that makes me want to update faster and oh em gee the 5sos superhero selfies. LUKE HAS FACIAL HAIR PLEASE HELP ME! aghhh im dyiing!

anywaysssssss please go do something with your day but please dont runaway from your parents! I do not support this in anyway so if you all go run away from your parents and get in trouble and say "oh it's all Ronni's fault for writing her story Skinny Love, she told me to do it.' HA HALE TO DA NO! i AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAT SHAT!


Skinny Love (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now