Princess Jinderella!

721 20 12

Yah! I've never done any of these things before so no judgy judgy! :)

1)I find it really hard to find facts about me.
2)I am a proud Chilean.
3)I love cats and unicorns.
4)My favourite colours are black, white, purple!
5)Bts for lifu!
6)I'm a Unicorn/dolphin/pigeon/bunny/wall/cat/human thingy.
7)I'm really, really, really awkward (that's what my family and friends say).
8)I love anime (fairy tail expecially).
9)Natsu(a character from fairy tail) was my first love (lonely 4 Eva T - T).
10)I'm hyper-mobile.
11)I once went to the 99p store and asked my mum how much something was (basically, as my brother puts it I'm blunt).
12)Jungkook is my ultimate bias.
13)I'm self conscious.

Imma nominate people now :D :


Ahahaha~ endeu~

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