Chapter 11, pt 3.

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(Cancers PoV )

I shivered feeling the cold sneak up on me once more, "S-sag-got-tar-rius?" I stuttered, my lips chapped and sore as the cold began to bite away at them. My breath fanning across the room, projecting a ghostly white cloud which slowly faded away a few seconds after. I stared at the figure what I believe was Sagittarius for several seconds before calling out again, "any sign?".

The figure slowly turned back round in my direction making a spine chilling creek, which caused me to wince. "No", He replied as I looked down to Leo, not sure weather he was dead or alive either. I turned back to Sagittarius's shadow, cast across the floor almost twice the size of himself before opening my mouth, only to close it shut. I knew the words I was about to speak would hurt him more than it would me.

"Sagittarius..." I started wondering weather I should just stop now, but it was too late i had already caught his attention, "We should leave. If we don't get out soon we'll freeze to death, Leo needs medical attention, if your not careful you could lose your hands" I stated as sympathetically  as I could, awaiting his reaction.

"And Gemini?" I spoke sharply as if I had just insulted him in front of his face, or spat on one of his family members graves.

"She'd want us too, after all we are immortal so she'll still be alive" I tried to answer as best as I could, with out sounding like a full blown, self centred, catty bitch.

He paused for several seconds before walking forward into the dim light, showing only half of his features before stating in a matter of fact manner, "What if she doesn't resurrect into another body? Then she'll be stuck six feet under in the snow frozen. She will be dieing over and over again, so I can't leave her".


(Taurus's PoV)

We all sat in a deadly silence with a dangerous mix of emotions; betrayal, panic, fear, worry, wonder and cold were all running through my mind. Hundreds of questions racing through my mind as Scorpio wrapped me in his arms.

Why didn't Cap tell us?
Am I going to die again?
Are we going to survive this?
How the hell are we going to get out of here?

Each minute brewed new questions and left me with no answers. I was suddenly shook from my thoughts when a crack broke the silence. We all shot to the source of the sound... Caps window.

"I have a idea" Virgo announced as we all turned our attention to her wondering what she was going to suggest, "What if we break a window and let the snow in, after all only a small amount would come into the car" She proposed pointing the window which the crack distinctly stood out.

"Won't we freeze to death?" Pisces questioned with worry laced in her voice as she continued to shake uncontrollably.

"Not if we move quick enough and have lots of layers on. We could quickly make a tunnel if we all work together as a team" Virgo explained as she pushed a suit case over to me and Scorpio.

"What if this doesn't work?" Scorpio asked the question which lingered on my lips, as if reading my mind before I had a chance to even speak.

"It will work after all this is Virgo" Cap smiled reassuringly at Virgo causing a smile to spread across her lips as we all started to put on extra layers of clothes, before wrapping our hands up in at least 20 pairs of extra thick gloves.

I swear my hands are now officially shovels.


(Capricorns PoV)

I quickly grabbed Scorpios hunting rifle  double checking the wasn't any ammunition inside before, hitting the glass, causing a split before repeating the action twice as hard. The glass quickly shattered causing snow to come  seeping in. I glanced to the others who were comfortable at the back of the car unlike me, since I had snow up to my chest.

"We better get digging" Virgo announced as I began to dig around myself to see the rest of my body, with several death stares from Taurus. 20 minutes later we had formed some sort of tunnel around a meter outside of the car.

"We should slowly begin to build a slope" Scorpio stated beside me as I nodded in agreement, all the girls were back in the car changing their wet snowy clothes for some dry warm ones.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before, if I did we could have prevented this whole thing" I apologised trying to be sincere as I scooped back snow before grabbing another handful. I think I lost the feeling of my fingers tingling along time ago.

"You couldn't have predicted that this would be the outcome, nobody blames you," Scorpio replied as I turned to him raising a brow, "okay maybe Taurus does but she'll forgive you, after all you are best friends" He chuckled looking back to me before proceeding to dig ahead.

"Once we get out of here what's the first thing you want to do?" I questioned wondering what he'd like to do, I'm guessing move to a hot country.

"Sit down with a hot chocolate and cuddle with Taurus," he smiled at the thought causing me to chuckle before glancing back at him.

"Wow, she's got you wrapped round her little finger," I laughed before continuing to dig into the icy cold depths, "I'm glad, you both are great together" I smiled as he let out a sigh with a slightly annoyed expression on his face, probably that I know how he feels and that Taurus is his weakness.

"Our turn," spoke Pisces from behind me with Taurus by her side, I glanced to Scorpio who just shrugged and turned around heading back.

"Okay, just a sec!" I shouted as I turned around following Scorpio back down the icy maze.


(Gemini's PoV)

"Okay lady where did you say your friends were buried?" Asked the pilot politely as I pointed to the road side, the place where the cabin was and to the area where Caps car was. "Thank you we will have them out in no time, as for your friends at the side of the road their already receiving medical attention by our ambulance" The pilot explained as I nodded concerned for Sagittarius's safety.

"Can I come with you?" I asked as he paused before nodding, trust me to have to safe all their ass's. I quickly followed the pilot over to his helicopter as strapped myself in, putting on all the gear required. We quickly set off, rising high in the air, swiftly moving up the White snowy mountain.

"What's that over there?!"  I shouted into the radio pointing to several objects moving on the surface of the mountain. There they was all together Cap, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius. All jumping up and down trying to signal the helicopter.

I smiled thinking thank god I decided to go on a shopping spree early this
morning without Libra.

I am so sorry for not updating. I've been so busy with exams, trips and the family that I haven't had time to write as much. I admit this chapter isn't the best so I also apologise for that too. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed it even though I think it sucks. Don't forget to hit the votes and comment if you wish! Thank you for being so patient with me! You guys are amazing readers!!!

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