Chapter 6

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Vic's POV

I'm pretty positive Kellin's been avoiding me ever since I embarrassed him yesterday. He hasn't been in our room much and he just nods at me when I talk to him. I'm gonna make it my goal to make him crack.

"Hey Kellin," I greeted him when he entered the room. Of course he nodded and mumbled a barely audible "hi". He slowly walked to his side of the room and plopped down on his bed, pulling out his phone.

"Uhh," I started so I could get his attention. He glanced at me quickly telling me he's listening. "So, would you like to tell me why you're avoiding me?" I questioned.

"I'm not," he mumbled.

"C'mon Kellin, it's obvious," I almost rolled my eyes. He looked at me from the corner of his eye before looking away at his feet in thought and setting his phone down. Letting out a sigh, he turned to look at me fully.

"I'm sorry..okay? I just didn't know what to say and I- I just felt..awkward after the whole situation. I didn't know how to..." He tried explaining.

"It's okay man. It was my fault in the first place. Let's just forget about it." I reasoned. He nodded and gave me a small smile.

After a few moments he asked, "Do you still have that picture of me?" I grinned at him and picked up my phone.

"You should see your face," I said.

Kellin's POV

It's been about a week since Vic got here and we've been spending a lot of time together. The subject of what happened the day he got into my notes hasn't been brought up again. I don't know if I'm relieved at that or upset over the fact it's clear I have a small crush on him and he knows it. Regardless, Vic's a really great guy. Like right now, we're having dinner in the cafeteria with Jesse and Jack.

"Are you guys going to the junior party?" Jesse asked us. I had forgotten all about the small parties the school arranged every so often.

"Oh, uh, I don't know," I answered unsure. I probably wouldn't. Parties really have never been my thing.

"What party?" Vic questioned and bit into his apple.

"We have a party at the end of every semester. Of course it's kind of supervised since there's the fact it's kinda dangerous and people still sneak alcohol in. Hm alcohol. Do you like..." Jesse explained until he didn't make sense anymore and I tuned him out. Vic turned to me with excitement in his eyes. Oh god no.

"No." I simply said just as he was opening his mouth.

"Oh c'mon Kell! It'll be my first party here. I want you to come. Pleaseee? Please?" He gave me a puppy dog face which caused me to blush.

"Vic, no.." I started, but stopped when he placed his hand on mine and shook it.

"Please? It'll be fun." He looked me in eyes and pouted more.

I laughed awkwardly and brushed him off. "Fine, fine. I'll go, but I blame you if it sucks." I gave in.

"I'll take it!" He gave me a hug from his spot next to me, but let go quicker than I wanted.

"Ya know, for someone with anger issues you sure are affectionate." I teased.

His cheeks grew a little pink at this before he started to frown. "Just don't get on my bad side," he said, trying to look tough. "You don't wanna get hurt by these babies." He flexed his arms up and showed me his muscles. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"You think this is a mutha-fuckin game?" He tried being angry, but started laughing with me.

"Stop laughing at me," he pouted again while still chuckling a little.

"You're laughing too! And stop making that face." I smiled at him.

"What face?" He asked innocently and poked his bottom lip out more.

That really adorable one... I thought. He eyes got wider and his cheeks pinker so I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"Adorable huh?" He asked. What.

"Did I just say that out loud?" I groaned, and mentally face palmed.

"Sure did." Vic said grinning. "I'm adorable now?"

"Well I guess so.." I looked down at my barely touched food.

"Well you're adorable too," He shrugged. I looked up at him before looking away again and noticed Jesse and Jack staring at us now.

"Awww-" Jesse started before I cut him off.

"Don't." I glared at him a little. Jack started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked confused and hopeful the previous conversation would be forgotten.

"You blush a lot." Jack shrugged. Vic started smirking at me. I didn't like the attention on me and I couldn't handle it. I was just about to get up when Alan came over. What a life saver.

"Hey guys. Whoa, did I like interrupt something here?" Alan raised his eyebrows at my amused friends and my embarrassed face.

"Nope. Not at all. What's up? " I asked, clearing my throat.

"Haha, right. Here, Stacey wanted me to give you this." He handed me a note. So much for being a life saver. I took it and rolled my eyes. Stacey was my ex girlfriend that I broke up with because for one, she "secretly" cheated on me. I also just didn't like her anymore because of her snobby personality. I felt myself frown as I glared at the note on my hand. Vic looked at me at me in confusion and I just shrugged. The contents of the note is what scared me.



Sorry that took so long! Next update will be a lot sooner I promise.

Vote and comment please! (: thanks guys for reading. I hope there are no mistakes..

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