Chapter 4

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Kellin's POV

I trudged down to Dr. Kodak's office, knowing exactly where this was going. She'd fuss at me for not eating for over a day, threaten me, and then send me on my way. I knocked on the door to her office a few times. "Come in, Kellin," she shouted. I stepped in her office, taking a seat in my usual spot in front of her desk. "So, I'm assuming you already know why you're here," she half-asked, looking up at me from behind her desk. "Yep," I replied, popping the 'p', "let's get this over with."

"No, Kellin. This time I'm serious. I know you don't just get over disorders like these over night, but I've warned you plenty. I'm putting you on strict watch. You will be monitored at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You won't be forced to eat as long as you eat at least something throughout the day. No arguments. No discussion. It's final. You're dismissed," she stated without missing a beat. My mouth hung wide open. "You gotta be fucking kidding me..." I trailed off slowly. "Watch your language. End of discussion. Close the door on your way out," she said bluntly and looked back down at the papers on her desk.

Vic's POV

I wonder what cleaning time is. And I wonder why Kellin got called back to the doctor. I just got here and they've barely explained anything to me. I sighed as I color coordinated the clothes in my small closet. I turned around to put my shoes away as well when I spotted something. My eyes twitched in pure anger. Kellin didn't make his fucking bed.

I stomped over to Kellin's side and I was just going to innocently fix his covers when I saw he left his laptop on... "This is so wrong, so so wrong," I said to myself while sitting his laptop on my lap. It was still set on his tumblr. Well, maybe he might be a pretty cool dude after all. I looked at all the windows he had open and clicked the "notepad". Is this? No.. no way. Kellin has a diary. I shouldn't be doing this. I reeeally shouldn't be doing this. I put his laptop down and went to walk away.

5 minutes later..

Dear Diary,

There's this new guy here. It's the same guy I wrote about the other day. He's extremely attractive, no denying that. He's also sharing a room with me since Matty left. That's the greatest thing that's happened to me since my best friend left and I got bad again. This new guy's name is Vic. It suits him nicely like..

I stopped reading because of the sound of someone in the hall. I quickly switched back over to his tumblr and stumbled over to my side of the room, blushing furiously. I jumped on my bed and pulled out my phone trying to look casual but I couldn't stop thinking about what I had read.. did he really think that? Does he like me or something? The door slammed open revealing a very angry and hot looking Kellin. He stormed over to his bed and landed face first on his pillow, clutching it to his head as he screamed into it.

"Um, are you o-okay?," I stuttered. Pull yourself together Vic. He moved his head to me for a moment.

"I'm fine," he said before turning back into his pillow, muffling the last word. "Kellin, I use that excuse all the time. I know you're not 'fine'. Please, you can trust me," I gave him a real smile even though he couldn't see it. He murmured something in his pillow I couldn't hear. "What?" I asked a little angrily. He sighed and sat up looking at me fully. He then explained to me what happened in the doctor's room.

"I'm really sorry you got the Feds all on your back man," I smirked sarcastically. He glared at me for a moment and then laughed. "Whatever," his smile faded and he picked up his laptop. Guilt immediately washed over me. What if he finds out I was reading his stuff? "Vic," he says causing me to panic inside. My eyes went huge. "Yes?" I answered calmly. "Come watch this with me," he said. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding and walked over to him as he scooted to make room for me. I spent some time straightening his pillow before sitting next to him with our backs against the headboard as he chuckled at me.

We watched a video on YouTube together called "The Greatest Vines".

By the end of it we were both in tears of laughter. "That was the funniest shit I've ever seen," he exclaimed holding his stomach in laughter and setting his laptop to side. I nodded, also laughing hysterically. His smile almost faded completely out of nowhere causing me to give him a look of confusion. He looked at me in the eyes deeply and leaned in, his lips getting closer to mine. I felt his breathe on my own lips, making me shiver. Before I could react, he moved his lips to my ear instead. "I know you read my notes," he whispered.

( A/N - HahahHA. cliff hanger! I know this is a tad short, but I wanted to update some. And sorry if there's been any spelling errors. I read over my stuff like 5 times and when I go back there's still a couple errors. it's quite frustrating. rant over. thanks for reading c: xx )

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