Part 5

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We were laying next to eachother, his arms wrappped around me. My hands were under his shirt, tracing the outline of his abs. Ryan lifted my chin up to face him and he looked me dead in the eye. As soon as we made eye contact, we both leaned in. Our lips met and i felt a tiny spark. I knew that I should be kissing Justin but...he's occupied. Ryan pulled away and smiled at me, pecking my lips one more time. He picked up his phone and checked the time.

"Shit." he muttered.

"What's wrong?" I asked concered.

"Your parents are gonna be home in like 10 minutes."

" do you have to leave?" I asked sadly.

"Yeah..." he said, "Selena, Chaz, and Nicole already left. Chaz texted me."

"Okay." I sighed.

"Hey! Don't worry I'll see you tomorrow at that barbeque you're parents are having!"

Oh right. Our parents are having a giant barbeque for God knows what. But all of our family and friends  like are gonna be there. Even Selena, Chaz, and Nicole. I'm really excited to meet my new cousins. There is one girl who is my age, I think her name is Sabrina. I'm psyched to meet her!

"Oh yeah!" I said excitedly.

"Alright well i got to go okay? I'll see you tomorrow." He said leaning down to kiss me.

I leaned up and our lips met shortly but sweetly.

"Bye babe." He whispered.

"Bye bye." I said like a baby.

He laughed and walked out of my room. I sat in my room doing nothing for like 10 minutes until someone walked in.

"Hey Lulu." Justin said as he came to lay next to me on my bed.

"Sup loser?" I responded, turning to him.

"Loser! Please Lucy, I win more than Charlie Sheen!" he shouted.

I burst out laughing and almost fell off the bed.

"Y-you're such a l-los-ser!" I laughed.

"Shut up Lucy." he muttered.

I wiped my eyes and smiled at him.

"That was too good Justin. Seriously where did you learn that from?"

"Made it up myself!" He said, brushing off his shoulders.

"Jeez Justin, what am I gonnna do with you?"

"Kiss me, hug me love me." He stated.

I looked at him to see if he was kidding and I didn't see one bit of amusement. What I did see what him leaning closer and closer to me. I wanted this so bad but i couldn't hurt Ryan. Right as our lips were about to touch I placed my hands on his chest.

"I can't do this." I said softly.

He sighed, rolled of my bed and stood up.

"Justin... you have a girlfrined, I have a boyfriend. We just can't."

"I understand," he said sadly, "goodnight Lucy i'll see you tomorrow." He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

He's making this really hard for me. 20 minutes later I Jeremy's loud voice boom throughout the house.

"Kid's, go to bed! We have the barbeque tomorrow!"

And with that, i fell asleep. Dreaming of a man who wasn't my boyfriend.

Justin Bieber is my Step Brother. (A Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now