Chapter 5: Don't Judge A Book By HIS Cover

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~ Bre's Prospective ~
' I'm hopeless!! No matter where I go and where I am, I will always bring FEAR to others!! My friends!! My family!! No wonder why no one loves me!! It's either they make fun of me, or they are scared of me!!! ' I wrapped my arms around my legs and just sat behind the park bench...crying. ' Since that was the only thing I am good at! Crying like a big, fat, BABY!!! ' Then I started to remember what my mom would sometimes say, and have flashbacks on what my best friends would do when I was upset;
~ Flashback ~
" Bre!! What's wrong?!? " says a faint, worried, voice.
" Their calling me things again like, fatty...and...mistake...and...and.." I start to cry again.
" Hay...hay!! Please don't cry!! You know you will make me cry if you do!!! " I look up to see my friend Emelin with a calming face. She pulls me in a hug. " You remember what your mom told you to do?!? "
" Close your eyes. Count to 10, "
" And?!? " she asked.
" And tell a adult... " I finished.
" But Emelin...we are both 13 year old girls now!! I should have handled it better!! I should have said something back!! I should have.. "
" You should have just walked away and not let it get to you " she snapped
" ....but you did!! And now it has been said and done!! We can't change the past, we just have to move forward, okay?!? " she said in a more caring tone, adding a small smile on the end.
" ....okay!! " I smiled back. She helped me up and we started walking back.
~ End of flashback ~
" That was two years ago. Now I'm 15 and I'm still crying like an idiot!! "I thought out loud, not knowing that someone was sitting on the bench, ears-dropping on me.
" You sound a lot like me when I'm having a bad time!! " ( Undertale anyone?!?😂 ) " Who said that?!?! " I said looking left and right, not realising like an idiot that the person was behind me. " Umm....I'm behind you!? " the voice said. I immediately turned around. * da * A small yelp escaped my lips. We both jumped a little. I relax, then turn around, going back to the horrible mood I was in. " Are you alright?? " he said, but considering the kind of mood I was in, I don't want to reply.
" Meh... " I replied. I closed my eyes. Straightaway I regretted it. I saw all my friends, with FEAR in their faces. I started to weep, completely forgetting that he was there.
" Hay...hay!! Please don't cry!! You will make me cry if you do!!! " he sounded like Emelin. I started to really cry now.

~ Somewhere far away ~
A little black-purple butterfly was flying up to Bre.

~ Back with Bre and the boy ~

The boy looked up at the sky and noticed the unique creature. His eyes widened in realisation. " Oh no.." he whispered to himself and looked down. He put the two pieces together and knew he had to do something to stop it. He got off the park bench and kneeled in front of Bre. " Hay!! Please look at me!! Please stop crying!! " He got no response.He was running out of ideas. He could always hit her but, he didn't want to hurt her, because he knew that would make it worse!! He could always kiss her!! A second later he shook his head to get that idea out of his mind. He didn't even know the girl's name, or how old she was. He didn't want to just kiss a random stranger, thinking that she would be happy about it!! And she ~ at the very least ~ be pissed, if he had just kissed her!! He tried to come up with another solution. ' F*** it!! ' he picked her up, in bridal style, and ran with her in his arms. The sudden shock of her being in his arms made her gasp. While he was running she looked up at his face. She could see that he was determined ( more Undertale references!!😅 ) She blushed that this. ' WAIT ' she thought. " What are you doing?!? " she asked, trying to not to show that she was angry at him.

~ I'm going to leave it here!!😆 I would love to continue but that would be too much reading for you guys!!😅 So, I hope you like this chapter and have a nice day!!😸 ~

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