Chapter 4: Justin Flanders

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"So Trixie is still not backing off. She trails him like all through out the day," Faith said when Paul went home. 

"It's been a week, Faith. Are we still going on with this?" I was starting to get used to Paul as my fake boyfriend in school and I couldn't deny that I was getting more and more terrified because I felt I was starting to feel that I'll be lost without the pretending if it's all done. I wanted it to finish before it would all be too late. 

"Cris please. We'll stop this as soon as Trixie stops stalking my boyfriend. Please. You're the only one who can help me with this," 

"But Faith..." 

"Please Cris," 

I sighed. I couldn't turn her down. I love my best friend far too much like a sister and I couldn't bear see her down because I didn't help her with this one problem. 


"Thanks very much. You're relly the best friend someone will be proud to have," 

"Welcome," was all I could say. 

"So, change topic. Paul said you're interested with Justin Flanders?" he was the new boy in school. 

"Justin? How can he know that?" I asked in surprise. 

"He said he can see it in your eyes," she shrugged. 

When the hell did Paul waste his time in looking in my eyes to see if I like someone? I shook my head. 

"Well?" Faith asked again. 

"I like him 'cause he's a nice guy and a good friend," I just said. Justin and I spent some time together in making projects and assignments because he just lives a block away from my apartment. 

"Oh, c'mon Cris. He's gorgeous, smart and in a week he's already as popular as Paul," she was quite in disbelief that I wasn't interested in Justin. 

"And so?" 

Then while she was talking, I saw her new necklace. I knew it was new because it was the first time I saw it. 

"Where'd you get that pretty locket?" I leaped to that topic so as to escape her attention with me not liking Justin Flanders. 

"Oh this?" she smiled sweetly. 

She opened it and looked at the pictures inside of it. 

"Paul gave it to me. He said he saw it in a store and decided to buy it for me. He's really sweet," 

"And the other day, my parents called. They told me Lara was sick and when I told Paul about it, he got worried too and wished Lara to get well soon," she said as she was remembering it. 

Lara is Faith's younger sister. paul haven't met her yet but he already cared because she was Faith's family. 

That was another thing about Paul. He was a good and caring person. Even if he was the most popular guy in school, he wasn't a bully or he doesn't brag about him being popular. He kept it low. He was humble. Maybe it was also one of Faith's reasons she didn't want to lose him. He's really worth to have.

Playing Pretend (My Boyfriend is Hers) - UneditedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora