A Thousand Years

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After "our" shower, which had made fly on a pink cloud. Because it was soooooooo amazing. I'm not even overreacting just a bit.

We went downstairs again after dressing ourselves and went into e dinning room to eat the cold food. Mark had made spaghetti bolognese, it tasted really good even though it was cold, Mark was really hungry because he ate three plates full of spaghetti bolognese, did sex make you hungry?

I wasn't really hungry, I think the rush from the most amazing sex ever caused my lack of appetite.

Mark left the table saying he had some work to do after he finished eating, which was fine with me, then I could put the the dirty dishes in the dish washer and clean the kitchen, I could clearly see Mark had hurried making the food, because the kitchen looked messy, after I had cleaned the kitchen so it looked clean again, I heard Mark making noises in the living room.

"Mark?" I called and waited on a answer

"Yeah, babe"

"What are doing. Didn't you have some work to do?" I yelled back

"I'm done, it didn't take so long as I had expected" he answered

"Oh, okay" I answered as I cleaned the cloth

"What are doing?" He said as he entered the kitchen

"Cleaning up after you, silly head" I answered him

"Oh, yeah. That's right. I had to hurry, so I could join you in the shower" he said and laughed

I laughed

"Are you done?" He asked and stepped closer and leant over the kitchen table

"Yeah, in just a minut" I answered

"Why?" I asked

"I'm not telling you" he said with a cheeky smile on his face

"Oh, okay" I said

"Are you done now!" He said, I looked at him, he make puppy eyes

"Okay, okay. I'm done now" I answered and throw the cloth in the sink

Mark stood up and walked over to me, he took my hand and led me into the living room.

Then some music started. I immediately remembered the song from the Twilight movies, it was my favourite song

"Come here" Mark said and pulled me closer

"Dance with me, to our wedding song" he whispered

We danced slowly around to our wedding song. I swear, it was the most romantic moment ever

Mrs. Girlyplier - Markiplier fan fictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat