Bickslow & Lisanna (edited)

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Rainy Rides | Bickslow & Lisanna

Lisanna and Bickslow have been together for a few months. While they contain their affection for one another until their behind closed doors, what happens when they're stuck in the rain, five hours from Magnolia, and need to find other arrangements for the night?

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"Bickslow, I don't think it's a good idea to go home right now. We should just stay here and get more food, wait for the rain to die down." Lisanna looked inside the small tavern from the doorway and then back outside where it was pouring relentlessly. "It's almost 9:30 and everyone will be worried if we don't come back tonight, Lis. We should go so they can clean up. We're the only ones here." She sighed, knowing he was right.

The couple had been together for a little while. They had reached out, attempting to grab the same job flyer off the guild board. When neither of them would give the job up, both of them clutching either side of the flyer, Mirajane had suggested they go together. It definitely took some convincing but without her, Lisanna would've never known that Bickslow was good company. Here they are, months later, in a romantic relationship and taking jobs together.

Everyone at the guild was surprised. Bickslow had never seemed interested in anyone who wasn't in the Thunder Legion, his closest friends and his team. If Lisanna hadn't know about Elfman and Ever, she would have assumed that Evergreen was with Bicklow's. On top of the puppet master's apparent disinterest towards his guild mates, no one had ever expected Lisanna to get over Natsu. To Lisanna, it was clear that Natsu had feelings of some kind for Lucy so she had given up a long time ago. She had given up on romance in general a long time ago and hadn't expected to find it so soon from someone she had known for so long. The guild, however, knew how Lisanna felt about Natsu so it was quite the shock when Lisanna and Bickslow started spending more time together.

Elfman took it the worst, as expected. He didn't think Bickslow was a "real man". Not even Evergreen could convince Elfman calm down about it. After Bickslow saved Lisanna on a job, her brother seemed to approve. Now, they went on jobs regularly together including the one they just finished.

"We shouldn't have stayed out this far. It's a long way back." Lisanna continued to plead even though she knew it was helpless. After they finished their job, they had gone to get some food at a local tavern but the job was easily a 5 hour trip from Magnolia. They didn't have a magical vehicle and most places where you could rent one were closed. It would be a grueling walk home in this weather, both of them were bound to end up sick if they did actually walk all the way to the guild. "Come on, lighten up." Bickslow said. "We didn't know it was going to rain." He flashed a smile back at her and pulled her easily out into the rain.

"Bickslow!" Lisanna screeched, rain quickly seeping through every layer of her clothing. He had to be crazy if he actually thought they'd make it home in the storm. Bickslow held open his cloak as a sort of makeshift umbrella, inviting Lisanna to go under the cover. She snuck under it and melted into his warmth. When they reached the end of the street, Lisanna huffed and stopped, staring up at her partner. He looked back at her with amusement, rain clinging to his eyelashes. He tugged her along once again. Bickslow had a plan and an understanding that Lisanna did not want to be in the storm at all. Going home would be impossible in these conditions but he was sure she could deal with it for a little while.

They rushed down the street, rain pounding against them as they ran. Bickslow playfully smacked Lisanna's ass, causing her face to flush into a brilliant shade of red. Laughter rang out as he seemed to be enjoying himself while his girlfriend was very much not enjoying herself. "Couldn't help it." he cooed and shrugged as Lisanna lectured him about it. To others, Bickslow was and is intimidating but for his girlfriend, he was a big softie.

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