Chapter 1: The Past..

Start from the beginning

When finally arriving to my childhood home, I noticed the front door was wide open, an eerie feeling surpassed me. It felt like the silence was choking me, I stood still in the upmost confusion. I slowly walked towards the open front door, only to freeze up once again. I heard a sound I would never want to hear in my own family's home...

Open gun fire.

I quickly ran inside, seeing several police officers with guns. The one thing that shocked me the most, was the site of my brother Malcolm, dead and sprawled across the floor.

"What the hell happened to my brother?!" I yelled out, the police officers looked at me apologetically.

"We're really sorry.. We--" One of the police officers started, but stopped for a moment when I ran to my brother's lifeless body.

I couldn't hear the anything but the sounds of my heavy breathing, everything else was muffled, I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't hold in it any longer. I buried my face in my hands, crying quietly; the police officers tried to explain what happened, but I ignored them. I knew they were the ones who killed my brother Malcolm, I didn't want to hear anything they were going to say, they would just try to cover up their own tracks.

I pushed back my green hair, and wiped my sore, puffy eyes, I was somewhat thankful that the rest of my family weren't home yet; they didn't have to witness the sight I did..

Malcolm's body was taken under a black sheet, I felt anger inside of me, but managed to control it. Those police officers had to pay for what they did...

Mark Fischbach


Me, Ryan and Matt were prepping to record some YouTube videos, some for Kids W/ Problems and some for my main channel, Markiplier. As we continued preparing, Matt offered for us to take a short break.

"Hey, do you guys wanna perhaps go into town and grab something to eat before we start shooting videos?" Matt suggested, crossing his arms lightly.

"Yeah, sounds good." I smiled, nodding in acknowledgement.

"Sure! I mean, we could all do with a little break." Ryan chuckled a little and scratched the back of his neck.

We grabbed our phones and wallets and I grabbed my keys, we then proceeded to head out into downtown L.A. We arrived at a cafe, but we were all puzzled to hear rapid fire in the distance.

"What the hell was that?" Ryan asked, we all exchanged confused glances.

"I don't know.. Should we--" Matt was interrupted by the shrill sound of screaming and yelling, coming from the store up ahead.

"Maybe we should go and help any innocent civilians?" I suggested, looking back at the rush of people running in fear.

"We'll need to be really careful then.. Make sure we don't get hurt." Ryan mumbled, but just about loud enough for me and Matt to hear.

"Alright, let's go." I lead the way, Ryan and Matt followed behind me.

We slowly walked into the store, the first thing we saw were shot bodies, Matt almost instantly called an ambulance, knowing that the police would automatically be called in this type of situation, and then we decided to see if there were any citizens still alive.

We heard someone throw what seemed to be a smoke bomb, it made it much harder to see. I lost sight of Matt and Ryan, hoping and praying they were trailing along behind me. But then the sound of more rapid fire, this time much closer, echoed out through the store. I quickly ducked down, just as the smoke began to clear, I saw several armed police officers but I decided to stay down. I turned around, horrified at what I witnessed.

Matt and Ryan.. Both riddled with bullets..

I felt my eyes swell up with tears, my eyes began to sting and I felt shaky.

"N-No.." I muttered, my voice cracking and my eyes becoming misty with tears.

"Sir!" A police officer approached me, "Are you okay?"

"What the hell happened here?!" I spoke out, my grief turning into anger.

"We were trying to shoot--..." Another police officer attempted to explain, but their words turned into muffled slurs as I tried to get my head around was just happened. At this point I couldn't hold in my tears any longer, I broke down, placing my head in my hands and sobbing quietly.

'First I lost my father, then Daniel, and now Matt and Ryan, this couldn't be happening.'

This was the only thought processing through my mind at this very moment. I continued to cry, unable to hold in the emotions I had let out...


Hope you guys enjoyed the opening introductory chapter! Please follow me and add to your library to find out when I update, a vote is always appreciated :3. More chapters coming very soon!

So stay tuned and...


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