✔ 35 "My Wings"

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I hide behind my hair

To cover up my shame

People stare at me

Things will never be the same

Always looking down

I do not even smile

Always wearing a frown

I can't remember how to fly

My wings, they're broken

Too tired to even lift me up

I think that I will never 

Manage to move on

Three years had passed

And I finally realized

I've been wasting too much time

It's my moment to shine!

I flew into the air once more

I raced with the wind

I laughed and sing

With the birds around me

I have never felt so free

My wings and I soared

I smiled at the thought

Someday, all of you will know!


I composed this the moment I felt like things need to be changed. I shouldn't stay in one corner and just hide from the world! I learned that you will never feel what happiness really is once you’ve got hurt, mad, and any other emotions. Nothing is permanent in this cruel world but CHANGE. I've decided to live life like it was my last second alive. On the “My wings, they're broken / Too tired to even lift me up” line, I was referring to my HEART. On the “I laughed and sing / With the birds around me” line, I was referring to my friends and families who had been there for me 'til the very end. 

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