Chapter Twenty Seven

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Last night ended perfectly. Zane really is a great stress reliever, sex or no sex. We didn't have sex last night, didn't even matter to me honestly. I was too worried about everything else, but the hot water was so relaxing and Zane's hands are perfect for massaging I swear. All tension I had at the beginning of the day was gone once Zane rubbed my feet and shoulders.

Last night we bathed together, then talked until the sun literally came up. We mostly talked about the wedding since it hasn't been much on either of our minds lately. It's probably the most positive subject we have in our lives right now. We have two options. Do it now, young and in love or maybe a year or two later when we're not that much older, but older nonetheless. I can't make a decision. I want to do it when I'm on right grounds with everyone in my life so it can be the happiest, most memorable day of my life. But I still have to consider Zane's feelings in all of this. He wants to do it now, he doesn't really care about the big wedding. His idea was for us to elope and have a big wedding sometime later along the line once we're fully established with life and out of college. It doesn't sound like that bad of an idea to be honest.

I pulled out my phone and called up my dad. I haven't talked to him in a little bit. "Hello?" He answered, yawning.

"Hey daddy. What are you doing?"

"Just sitting here with an.." He took a pause. "Uh... old friend of mine." I raised an eyebrow. I could hear mumbling in the background. It was clearly a woman. I couldn't fully hear what she said but it sounded like "I wasn't just an old friend last night." My suspicions were soon confirmed when my dad said, "Okay, she's not just an old friend." I couldn't contain my laughter. My dad and some woman... Having sex... They are too old for all of that. But hey, get it in, I ain't stopping you!

"So, who's the lucky lady daddy?" I asked, still laughing. He chuckled a little.

"Her name is Lucinda, Pharaoh."

"I am so happy you're getting back out there. Oh my gosh. I mean, no one can replace mommy, but dang. You needed to be seeing other people a long time ago."

"I never had time for that. I was hurt when your mom passed and I got deeper into the hard game I was already in. I had you and I had the game. That's all I needed, my daughter and my wife."

"I understand. Well, is this a serious thing or... Ya know?" He laughed.

"I think this one is kind of serious." I could tell that he was looking at her from the way he said it. It was more like he was talking to someone else that wasn't me, so I can only think he was saying it to her.

"I'm proud of you." I smiled even though he couldn't see me. "But do you think me and my wonderful family could come and visit for a couple days?"

"You know you never have to ask to come home, sweetheart. What happened to visiting Aria in Atlanta? Wasn't her birthday yesterday?" I sighed heavily, not really wanting to deal with that right now.

"Yeah... She's uh... Going through some things right now..."

"Is everything alright?"

"It will be." I shrugged.

"Okay, sweetheart." We talked for a little longer before hanging up the phone. Next stop on the Carter's mini vacation is now Chicago. I have to see my daddy and meet this Lucinda woman. I miss Dareus and little Aaliyah, too. Plus my Sophia. Especially her. I hope she has a dance competition while I'm in Chicago, I'll be there to root her all the way on. That's my princess, regardless of who her parents are and she can dance her little ass off. She does moves and acrobat tricks that I only wished my body would bend into to.

I went and plopped down in the center of our hotel room bed. I told Zane that he and Major could go to breakfast without me and they had just got back into the room. Zane put Major on the bed and he crawled to the center, into my lap. "Hi baby. I missed you while you were gone." I kissed his cheeks repeatedly and he giggled. I awed over his baby smile with deep dimples in his cheeks.

Pharaoh: It's All New to MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant