Chapter Twenty Six

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After helping Quvon clean himself up and making sure he would be okay for the night, we went straight to the hotel. I mean, I don't really know where else we could have went but I just needed to lay down. This was bringing a lot of unneeded stress on me. I didn't know who I should be mad at. I weighed my options. There was Quvon, for starting the whole fight by launching at Ryan in the first place. There was Ryan for having a slick tongue that made Quvon even more mad. There was Aria who just sat and watched as her new guy toy beat her baby's father and boyfriend of years senseless. Then there was me. Why didn't I ask Aria if I can come and visit or at least tell her that I was. I shouldn't have just popped up out of thin air, bringing her boyfriend who explained to me the not so great terms they were on right now. He even told me how she wanted to see other people. I should have known Aria already had somebody picked out to be her new fling just because she suggested it. I missed all of the signs of what was going down in Aria's life and in turn I was faced with lies, regret, hurt, and confusion.

I was extremely hurt, honestly. I just want everyone to be happy and to enjoy the life they live.

I decided we can't stay and mope around here in sunny Atlanta. We prepared ourselves and our Gps for a day of fun, shopping, eating, and more shopping. We leave from Atlanta tomorrow afternoon, it's earlier than I expected to be leaving but I just don't want to stay here anymore.

When all of our fun and spending was over, we were all completely worn out. I gave Major a quick bath and washed his curly afro before he completely k.o'd on me. I smiled at him as he slept, lightly snoring, in my lap. I picked him up and slid him and myself to the center of our hotel bed. After making the middle and surroundings safe enough so he wouldn't roll over and suffocate or roll off the bed, I laid him down and kissed his chubby cheek. "Goodnight baby. I'm happy you smiled the whole time down here." I whispered, combing through his curls with my fingers. "Be better than mommy when you get older, okay? Don't be stubborn towards people you love, don't miss the signs and cause trouble, don't forget about your family or who you consider family throughout your life, but watch your back carefully. Snakes, they'll always be there, don't be one of them. That's not a good trend to catch. Be like daddy and grandpa, but not in the streets. Have their intelligence and manliness. Be strong headed and powerful, but be like Dareus, too. Not in his bad ways, but in his personality ways. Be funny, outgoing, and caring, be a chick magnet." I laughed. "You already have that last part covered, but still. Be the best that you can be." I kissed his cheek one more time. He's sleep and probably wouldn't understand a thing that I was saying if he was woke, but I want to make sure I tell him just incase he never gets the chance to hear it again. I looked behind me when I felt a hand on the small of my back. "Yeah?" I looked up at a now shirtless Zane. Lord, God must have been having an amazing day when he created this one.

"Stop stressing, baby girl. It's not your fault, okay?" I nodded listening, but not really agreeing. "Come here..." Zane pulled me from my spot on the bed to him so that we were face to face, well face to chest until I looked up at him. "Stop, okay? You can't put everything on your shoulders. You do that every time something goes bad. Sometimes, yes it is partially your fault but don't take all of the flack."

"It's hard. That fight never would have happened if I just stayed in my place. That's Durham, North Carolina." I sighed.

"Well, you didn't. And you found out the true colors of someone you thought was your best friend. What were you just telling Major about snakes? Watch your back, they'll always be there? Watch your back with that one. I don't care how long you've been friends."

"Okay, babe. I get it." He bent down and kissed me, a peck but a long holding one. Before I could react my feet were off of the ground and I was being carried away. "What the fuck!" I semi-yelled. "You nearly gave me a heart attack picking me up out of blue, what are you doing?" I said all in one breath.

"Calm down." Was all he replied. Zane carried me to the bathroom and placed me on the edge of the tub. I was confused until I looked around. He had ran bath water and started the jets on the tub. There was sweet smelling bubble bath, that I guess he picked up while we were out. Zane undressed me, then I got in. He got in shortly after me.


Short, but it's only half. So, yeah. Let me know what you think?

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