Chapter Twenty

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Okay, so I just published another story. It's called 'Statistics'. Could you all please please please check it out? And my other story 'Turned Out'. I promise you won't be disappointed! 😊


Today, we're going to the lawyers office to hear the will. I already have a feeling how everything is going to go. Dareus is Mama G's only child, why wouldn't he get basically everything? I'd be shocked if anything other than that happened. I'm honestly just going because Mama G always told us that her burial plans are in her will and I want to honor everything she wants done at her home going. Also, someone had to drag Dareus out of his house. Nobody wanted to mess him and let him mourn, which I completely understand. But it's been four and half days and Dareus has yet to see sunlight. I've driven over there everyday to see if his car is gone or if he's at least opened the blinds. I only find his car still parked and a pitch black house. Even at night, no lights are ever on. I wanted so bad to go in and comfort him, but he is mourning. He'll only shake me off and tell me to let him be. Today is no acceptation though. I'm not forcing him to be happy, but I want him to get some fresh air, see some light. I'm not sure what he's doing in that house. If he's showering or eating. He told me that he just a week ago thought about suicide. I don't think Dareus would harm himself ever, but like he's told me, he's just not in his right state of mind. He needs someone and I'll be that person. I remember one quote, 'Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.'. That's all I can do. I don't want to him to follow me, I don't want to follow him. I just want to be by his side, being the best friend that I can be. Rekindling our friendship and making something good out of this. I know Mama G wanted us back to normal, but it just never happened like that. I want to come out of this mourning stronger than we ever were. It's crazy how life works sometimes, when you need something tragic to bring two and two together.

I can now realize that not only was Dareus in the wrong, but so was I. It was ignorant of me to completely drop him out of my life. I up and moved states on my best friend in this whole entire world, galaxy, universe with not even bye or see you later. I blamed him for his faults and mine too instead of just talking it out. I felt betrayed because he went off with a girl that tried to kill me, not realizing that he probably felt betrayed that I was giving another guy attention and not showing him any at all. I can see why he would be mad. I would be upset too if he just completely dropped me. We could have handled this situation different and got pass it all. We never fully resolved the problem, but on the night of my almost rape it was kind of like Dareus didn't really care anymore. I want to do it right though, talk it out and then hug and then lay and watch movies like we used to.

I walked up to the door an knocked. I have a key, but I just wanted to see if he would answer the door first. I knocked one more time, no answer. Once more, no answer. I sighed and stuck my key in the lock. When I walked through the doorway, I was hit with a stench. I can't even describe it but it was so unusual and moldy like. I'm so used to walking through this door and smelling cakes, pies, cookies, food from the soul. Something good that Mama G was whipping up. The house was freezing cold and dark. I looked around the living room and Dareus wasn't there. I opened up the curtains and blinds to let in some light and moved to the kitchen. He wasn't there either, not that I expected him to be. That's where Mama G spent most of her time and it would bring back a lot of memories, even for me. I walked to Dareus' room and I still had no luck finding him. I don't think he'll be in the guest room or the bathroom. The last option was Mama G's room. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what would be behind this closed door. I could find my best friend sleeping peacefully, fully deranged, broken down, or worst of all dead. But I threw that last option out the window. I slowly opened the door.

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