Chapter Four

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Zane has practice early this morning, so I woke up at the same time he did. He got up, freshened, and dresses quickly. He pecked my lips and headed out. "I love you babe. Be back later."

"Enjoy yourself. Love you too love."

I went to check on Major, got him situated, and went to eat. I made myself a cheese and sausage omelet. After I ate my food, I went to shower. I washed my hair and made sure I rubbed my scalp good. I made a mental note to go to the hair dresser. I need to get my hair washed professionally and get my blonde tips tended to. I feel like I made a mistake getting them bleached and that I kind of ruined my hair at the ends. After my hair grows out enough, I'm cutting this damaged crap off. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I finished washing my hair and body and stepped out the shower. I wrapped my hair in a towel and my body in a separate one, then brushed my teeth and did my daily face routine.

I heard Major crying over the baby monitor. I went to his room and picked him up out of his crib. "What's wrong with mommy's baby?" I put him on my shoulder and rocked him. I grabbed a pacifier and went back to my room. I folded a blanket up and set Major on it, so he was propped up but laying on his stomach. "Want to call papa?" I picked up my phone and dialed his number. I put the phone on speaker as I called my dad and got dressed. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey sweetheart. How's it going?"

"Hey daddy. Everything is fine. Did I wake you?"

"Nah, I haven't really went to sleep yet." That shocked the hell out of me. My dad always got plenty sleep whether it was early in the morning or late at night. This was unusual.

"Why not? Is everything okay daddy?"

"Yeah." He coughed. "Things are fine. I'm just missing my beautiful daughter and handsome grandson." He let out another cough.

"Are you sick?"


"Daddy." I semi-scolded him.

"Okay, I have a bit of a cold. That's it."

"You need to stay in the house and stop trying to be twenty again dad." I laughed and he did too. "Have you been to the doctors?"

"You know I don't mess with them."

"You need to go! I'll come down and drag you there if I need to daddy." He gave a weak laugh and coughed a few more times. "I'm not kidding Sidney."

"My government? I know you're not kidding now." I didn't want to disrespect my dad by calling him his government name, but he needs to take care of himself. He's only getting older.

"I'm sorry. I hope I didn't disrespect you or anything. But dad, you need to go get some medical attention. You're only getting older, ya know? I want you around to see Major grow up playing basketball like you used to. Like Zane is doing now. I want Maj to have a relationship that he'll actually remember with you." I felt myself starting to cry. I just want my dad around for a long time, that's all I pray for.

"Okay baby. I'll go and see a doctor today. Where's my grandson?"

"He's laying down being a little ball of adorableness." I giggled looking at Major. He was playing with his hands and sucking on his pacifier.

"I miss him. All of you. When are you coming down?"

"I get a break from school in a few weeks so I'll be down, but Zane has his games and stuff, so he'll only come for a few days."

"As long as I can see you guys."

"I'll let him know. Have you talked to Mama G lately?"

"No. She hasn't been doing too well."

"I know. I tried calling, but I guess her phone is off. I'm going to call Dareus again. He's never home when I call though."

"He's been around. I don't know what's gotten into that boys head though. He found out that baby wasn't his after four months of taking care of it. He said he felt like it was his, but had to make sure after so long. I feel like that broke him. That and.... Never mind."

"That and me? I already know. He hasn't been the same since me and Zane started dating, honestly. I can't help that though. I'm not breaking up with the love of my life and father of my child for him. I still love him and he's still my best friend. I just can't."

"I see where you're coming from. I'm tired though. I'm going to let you go."

"Okay, daddy, can you on check Mama G please? I just want to know her status if I don't get in touch with her..."

"Will do."

"Thanks. I'll talk to you soon. I love you."

"I love you, too." And with that I got off the phone with my dad and finished getting dressed. Today's outfit was pretty simple. I put on a bleached denim button up with studded leather elbow batches and a leather skater skirt with a studded belt. I put on my Steve Madden combat boots and put my hair in a neat curly bun. I put on my platinum triangle earrings and a little mascara and eyeliner then I was done. Next I had to get Major ready to go to daycare. It was a little chilly this morning, so I dressed him simple too. I put him on a white long sleeve onesie with red Nike sweatpants with a matching jacket and his white converse soft bottoms. I looked at the clock and it was time to go. I buckled Major in his carseat, made sure he had all the essentials in his baby bag and left out the house.

Major's daycare was a good fifteen minutes away from home and about the same distance from my school. We pulled up to the daycare and I got Major out. I kissed his forehead and told him I loved him before leaving.

I went to class and things went pretty smoothly. Right now were working on pitching our store and marketing it. We have a project due when we come back from break. We have to have a store made with its name, floor plans, slogan, type of clothes it will sale, price range of the store and a lot more. We have to create about twenty sketches that we would sale in our store and then after break we go on to picking models and creating four of the twenty outfits. We have to create a formal, casual, and party outfit and then one of your choice. I'm too excited for this, but I see it coming true in the near future. Me owning my own store and my baby playing ball.


This chapter will be continued in the next chapter. That's where Dareus comes in and also two new characters.

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