Chapter 1

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Have you ever felt so free but in reality you are really trapped? Well that is how I feel. When I swim and let my true identity out I feel so free, but when I get out of the water and I have to listen to my parents constant nagging over the phone I feel trapped. "Zayn Malik!" Someone quietly screamed. I look over and sighed. A girl about six with a T-shirt that says " Future Mrs.Malik" on running my way with a very bored looking eighteen year old girl following her. I put on a smile for the little girl. "Hello sweetie, could you please not be too loud and cause attention?" I ask trying to be polite. The little girl nods wildly. "What's your name?" I ask taking a Sharpie marker out of my back pocket. Never know when I'm gonna need it "Laney." She says quietly looking down at the ground. A sigh escapes the older girl that is behind her. She looks agitated and bored. "Could you please sign my sister's shirt?" She asked rudely. I keep my smile on my face for the little girl and sign the front of her shirt. It says "Lovely meeting you Laney love Zayn Malik." "Thank you!" She says happily. I squat down so I'm at her level and give her a hug. "Delaney. come on! I'm starving!" Laney pulled away and glared at her sister. "Sorry I have to go." She says sweetly. I nod and say. "It was nice meeting you." She smiles and bounces away. "Go over there and wait in line." The sister said to Laney. The little girl grumbles but does what she's told. The older girl walks up to me. "I'm sorry but could you sign these for her it's her birthday tomorrow and you're her favorite?" She asks while pulling out a bear with a hoodie that has my face on it and a take me home yearbook addition CD. I nod taking them and signing them 'Happy birthday Laney! Love Zayn Malik' on the inside of the CD book case thing and 'Zayn Malik xx' on the bear's hoodie. "Thank you! She'll love them, I'm Luna by the way." She tells me. She's pretty with her long natural blood red hair and very blue eyes. Strange mixture, plus I haven't seen anybody with that color hair on land that's natural. Maybe she and her family are mermaids? How do I ask this without telling her the secret? "Um... Do you um like water?" I asked. I know stupid but every mer-person that lives on land have strict orders to not go near water when around humans and are told to say there scared of water. She gives me a weird look. "That's a weird question. But yeah I'm afraid of water." She said with a nervous laugh. This is how I know she's a mermaid. I know she could just be afraid of water but that nervous look and laugh gave her away. "Well you need to learn how to control your emotions in your face, because that's not going to keep the secret." I told her. She looked shocked, frightened, and alarmed. "W-what are you talking about?" She stuttered out. I laugh. "Ms. Luna do you know who you're talking to?" She nods. "Zayn Malik from One Direction." She stated with confusion laced in her voice. I smiled. "Yes to the human world, but I am really Zayn Malik Javaad prince of Atlantia." I whispered just in case someone is listening. Her eyes widen more if that was possible but she shakes her head still denying being a mermaid, which is good. "You're crazy." She says. "That's ok but I am." I l laughed I out. "Well I have to go Luna, tell your family I said hi." "Bye." She replied. I then turn going to the mall exit. I look back to see Luna standing in the same spot shaking her head. I laugh going out the doors. Back to the boys and practice. Sigh.

"Zaynie boy!" Harry yelled as soon as I opened the dressing room door. "What Harry?" I asked irritated. Once I left the mall I got mobbed by fans and some paparazzi, after that while I was walking along down the sidewalk going to my car somebody in a car driving by threw a milkshake on me, then I had to go back to the hotel and take a shower plus fix my hair again. I just need to go for a swim, but I can't not here. For me to be able to swim I have to go to the middle of the ocean far out so people won't see me. "Gawd! What got your knickers in a twist?" Niall asked. He's lounging on a couch with his legs propped up and he's on his phone. I just grumbled at him and plop on his legs. "Oi! Fuck Zayn!" He yelled. "Look at him he needs a swim." Liam announced looking concerned. "Yeah he does look kind of dried out." Louis joked. Liam gives him a look. Yes the boys know about me being a mermiad, they had found out when we were on break while shooting the wmyb music video. They had pushed me in the deep end and I sprouted a tail. You should have seen their faces! So they know about mermaids and mermen. Only a hand full of humans know about us. And we want to keep it that that way. Only the people we trust most know. "I can't go now because of how crowded the beaches are." They nod. "Let's just go get something to eat and blow off rehearsals." Niall says jumping off the couch knocking me to the floor. "Niall!" I yelled over the boys' roaring laughter. "How bout you take a bath?" Liam asked. "Its not the same as the open waters" "Ok then call your dad and see if he knows of any hidden lagoons or beaches." Harry suggested. I nod and pull out my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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