The Way I loved You

22 1 1

+ Leland+

I sit back and try to hide my disappointment. I laugh to myself, I can't believe I even thought she'd say she loved me. I guess five years of being in love but not telling how I felt towards her leaves me no room to be mad at her. I could never be mad at her. I glance at her once more. her long blonde hair and wide brown eyes. I can't help but smile at how beautiful she is.

my eyes shift to the clock on the wall behind her which reads 4:30. Cramming the last of my fries in my mouth I put my side satchel on and swallow it down quick. "Ans, it's going to be getting dark soon and I don't want you walking by yourself in the dark." "Come on and I'll walk with you, and my mom wanted me home soon anyways." I lie. Ansleigh playfully rolls her eyes " Leland its fine! I was going to Jens house to spend the night anyways." I give her a suspicious look and raise my eyebrow. " You never said anything about spending the night with Jens." Ansleigh bites her lip and smirks. I hate when she does that, it's so attractive. Heck, anything she does is attractive.

Ansleigh continues " That is probably because I just thought of it." she giggles as she pulls out her phone. I laugh and get up with her and throw our trash from the table away. "Okay well, Jens house isn't a long walk from here so text me when you get there so I know you weren't picked up by super ninjas." I joke and hug her. Ansleigh laughs and puts her jacket on. " Yes sir" she answers giving me a salute as she starts walking backward. She gives me a final goodbye and smile then turns and makes her way down the sidewalk. Smiling I start down the other side of the sidewalk.

Instantly bored I pull out my phone that shows a 5% battery level. "Crap" I yell frustrated. I stuff it back into my pocket and walk fast down the sidewalk towards the busy bridge to get to my house. I shiver at how cold it's gotten and pull my phone out once more. 3% battery nice. Out of all the times it has to be now I think . What am I worrying about I know she'll get there just fine I don't know what I'm stressing for. About to place my phone back in my pocket it buzzes.

"If you think now she'll want to get with you now your wrong. I can still get her back. - Nate."Anger immediately comes over me as I finally make my way off the bridge. I shove the phone I'm my jacket pocket and walk fast towards. Bawling my hands into fists I pass my street and make my way towards Nates.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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