I had read in an article once that all human beings crave for affection. Especially from a fellow human being. A living, breathing person can give your comfort and warmth and make all the cells your brain feel alive with just a simple touch.

Emily had joked that would mean cuddling with a boyfriend since doing it all the time with the parents would be nothing but creepy. Back then I had shuddered at the thought of boyfriend and all the kissing and touching stuff. I decided I didn't want a guy's touch if it meant letting him stick his tongue down my throat. That would be nothing but gross. Even back then I was not a huge people's person.

Emily had laughed. She had said. Kissing is the easy part. Everybody grows into it.

Everybody craves human touch. I am not an exception. But the only person who gives me hug is my mom, my dad is awkward about hugging. A trait I have inherited.

"Look I am sorry. I was really blunt before . Just because it has not been tampered with doesn't mean Emily made it or had any hand making it." Seth says Emily's name like wisp, like he's putting flowers for her grave. I wonder if he had a crush on her. Most boys in their class did.

When he spots the confusion on my face, he continues. "You see some times a senior or a college student makes this type of videos as a joke. It's called a kissing pact. It's lame, I know but the guy has to get this girl to kiss him and he brings proof to his friend in a video like this. Most of the time the girls don't even know it exists."

Novahk who is standing behind us says under his breath."That's sick." I this and I can imagine Emily. Floating into a party and being her usual self. All the boys trying to get a chance to talk to her. One of them thinking what a cool guy he would be if he gets this girl to makeout with him.

"This always happen at parties?" Emily had started sneaking off to parties in sophomore ear. The girls in her cheer-team invited her and she begged me to go with her. Every night whenever there was a party she would call me and then we would argue about hours.

"You have to go to a party. How can you just sit at home."

"I don't like parties. You go on without me. I won't be upset at you."

"It's not that. You are never out. You should go out."

"Yeah because it's the time of our lives an everything." Sometimes she would be successful in getting me out, but eventually I got tired of it. I went there, everybody encouraged me to drink beer(it's really bitter and I have no idea why people enjoy it or maybe there's something wrong with my taste buds). It would always be the same.

Then she started going to the next town over. For parties. It was a university town and there were lot of boys, she would say. "Cute mature boys."

The boys in our school are nice enough, I would say. I would think of Novahk McAllister. He had rigged the last period clock to go off twenty minutes earlier for a week before any authorities realized it.

Emily would make a face. There's a kind of thrill sneaking out at night, she would say. Let's do it together. We can remember this when we are old and wrinkly.

But I was always a coward. I wouldn't ever go with her, when she went out of town to party at the beaches. If only I had. If only I had been there to protect her.

"But there's no way that we can tell who the boy. The light's too low," I say.

Seth whips his head and gives me a war look. "Do you want to find out who the boy is?" Do i? And then what? Ask him why he made the video. How it went viral at school. How everybody is probably sitting in their homes and thinking, God that girl was such a slut.

Midnight Kisses| ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora