Thoughts About Her

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Hermione's POV

I was in my hotel room rereading "Hogwarts: A History" for the millionth time when Pigwidgeon flew in from the open window. It was Ron's letter asking me when was I going to go back to England and they missed me very much.
I chuckled. I wanted to tease him. So, I sent him a reply: "When I feel like going back. I've made a new friend. Her name is Annabeth. So, I've decided to forget you guys. Then, I put the letter in Pigwidgeon's claws and off it flew. I continued to read.
The four best friends decided to open a school called Hogwarts. Thus, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is born. They decided to sort students into four houses based on their names and personalities. Godric Gryffindor -
"Ah, I'm so tired, I need a rest," It was nearly two in the morning. I came to America for a vacation, not studying. I kept reminding myself that, but I kept forgetting it. I'm going to see The Empire State Building on nine after breakfast.
I washed myself and lay on the bed. I tossed and turned. Why was I so tired but I couldn't sleep? I rummaged my bag and took out my wand. I hadn't used it since last Friday, before I left for America.
I wished I could Apparate back to England for a while. Just a while to visit Harry and Ron. But of course I couldn't. Ron and Harry were both very busy with their Auror interviews. They needed to pass various tests to get that job. Me, I've just got a job in the Magical Law Enforcement Department.
I thought about calling Annabeth but I didn't want to disturb her. It was not summer yet, so I bet she was still studying. She must be sleeping right now. Hope she had sweet dreams.
I lay on the bed once more, my wand beside me. I couldn't imagine the life of a demigod. Do they fight monsters everyday? As in, Greek mythological monsters? I had fought one when I was in first year. Hagrid's three-headed dog, Fluffy. I heard it was called Cerberus in Greek mythology.
I thought and I thought. Finally, sleep found me and I fell into a deep slumber.

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