All Because of A Cup of Cappucino

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Hermione's POV

It was sweltering hot as I walked into the café. My T-shirt was wet with sweat. I pushed open the glass door of the café.
The café was a winter wonderland. Soft muzak played from speakers. Aesthetic pictures hung on walls. Waiters and waitresses served food as customers talked and sipped their coffees.
I sat down. A waitress immediately came and asked,"What do you want, miss?" I almost said Butterbeer, but I reminded myself that this was not The Three Broomsticks. "A cappuccino, please." This was almost like that night last year when we ran away from Bill and Fleur's wedding, but without Harry and Ron.
After the waitress walked away, I stared at the vase of flowers on my table. Violet baby's breath. When will Ron bring me some? I smiled. I would love that. But I prefer blue.
The waitress came back with my coffee. I sipped it. America has nice coffee. Suddenly, someone knocked my hand and the cup of cappuccino spilled all over the table, the floor and my shirt. I was about to take out my wand and clean this mess, but I restrained myself.
"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry!" A girl my age apologized to me. I looked at her. Her curly blonde hair was tied into a messy bun. Her stormy grey eyes made her look so fierce. "Never mind," I smiled at her. I sensed something different about her. She didn't seem like a regular Muggle.
"What's your name? I am Hermione Granger." I gestured for her to sit on the other chair of my table. "I'm Annabeth Chase," She studied me. I thought she sensed I was something different, too.
"Well, nice to meet you. I think you're a special person, Annabeth," She seemed shocked, but she restrained herself. "Um, well, yes. I am a little different. I sense that you are, too,"
A waiter came and cleaned the table and the floor. "Do you need another cup of cappuccino, miss?" He asked me. "Yes. And I need one more cup for my friend here, too," The waiter nodded and went away.
"How did you know I like cappuccino, too?" Annabeth asked me, a faint smile playing at her lips. "'Course I do," I smiled back.

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