Modern! Connor Kenway x Reader

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I've just realised that all I write about is either Shay, Arno or Jacob; I feel pretty bad about this tbh, but I feel like I can write better with these characters, idk why okay:')) I'm trying Connor again today, I hope it's alright. Also, why is a party every setting in my fics like what the fuck I never even go to parties

If you have any requests about anyone, please comment them and I'll do them, I'd like to do others but I don't really know if people would enjoy them...


"I can't believe you dragged me here," Connor moped, grazing his shoe across the carpeted floor. It was Altaïr's birthday, and he had invited you and the rest of the group to his party, as well as 250 other "close friends". 

"Without you here it wouldn't be the whole group, would it?" You spoke, watching Ezio grab most of the beer from the cooler. He walked over, beer bottles overflowing from his grip. He shot a wink at you, then handed out the beer to everyone. He got to Connor, but he refused quite quickly. 

"What's wrong Connor? Not wanting any fun?" Ezio laughed, apparent that he already had a few bottles already in his system. 

"I hate it here," He crossed his arms over his chest, wanting time to pass as quick as possible. 

"At least, try to have fun, time will pass quicker," Arno smirked from the left of Connor, Arno being the expert in not wanting to be in social situations.

"I could if there weren't so many people here," He pouted, looking around at the growing crowd.

"Where is Altaïr anyway, I haven't seen him all night," Shay piped up, searching the room for their friend.

"Probably off drunk with that girl he likes, whatshername," Elise shrugged, taking a sip of her wine for the first time

"Elise, where did you get wine from?" You asked, desperate for something classier than beer. She walked over to you and opened her rather large bag, which contained a resealable bottle of wine and a packet of plastic wine glass tumblers.

"Want some?" She asked, opening the packet and pouring some wine into the cup. 

"She stuffed it in her bag right before we left," Arno shook his head, laughing slightly.

She looked round at her boyfriend and laughed, "I like to think I'm classier than a bottle of beer,"

The music, that was making the floor vibrate, was turned down at that moment, and a rather drunk voice slurred, "Group photo time!"

Turning around,  Altaïr was stood by the sound system, one hand around who you could only assume was the woman he liked, the other with a beer bottle sloshing around. He detached himself from the woman and from behind a plant emerged a stand for his phone. He placed the stand in front of him and motioned everyone to stand in front.

"I'm not getting my picture taken, (Y/N)," Connor said, grabbing your wrist as you walked away

"Why not! It'll be fun!" You laughed, dragging Connor along with you. Since you were the last people to turn up, you were stuck at the back. That wouldn't be so bad for Connor, but you weren't the tallest person around, so only the top of your head was visible. 

"You're too short," Connor looked down at you and laughed.

"You're too tall," You grumbled, standing on your tiptoes to try and create some height. 

"Here," Connor grabbed your waist and lifted you up, instantly making you six-foot-something.

"I'm not too heavy?" You asked, trying not to cry out because of your height. You craned your head to see Connor giving you a disapproving look, you taking that as a no.

"3..2..1..Cheese!" Altaïr jumps in front of his phone at the last minute, just getting in the photo. Everyone left their spots and crowded around the picture to check if it was up to their standards. As you got closer to the phone, you saw two people who stood out the most. Those two people were you.

"Connor! We're like, right in the middle!" You whispered, pointing to the both of you with your finger

"Aren't you two adorable?"  Altaïr gurgled as he stood next to you, "That's going on the wall,"

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