Chapter 2

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Math went by slowly, the teacher kept talking about stuff that we would never need in a real life situation.

* Imagine*

You're walking home after a long day at work carrying your groceries so you could cook for your two kids who are waiting at home. You walk by a dark, foul smelling alley when a man emerges from the darkness, a mask covering his face. You start to get paranoid and you begin to walk faster, hearing heavy footsteps becoming faster too. You start running and turn a corner your groceries long forgotten, you turn a corner pushing your back against the wall, you think your safe, until you feel a piece of cool medal on the side of your head. You're frozen with fear, shaking being the only exception, you feel weak, that's when a gruff voice sais 

" Give me the value of pie and I won't blow your brains out."

his foul breath hot on your ear.  You're racking your brain for the information that he wants but you just can't find it. You shriek as the gun is pressed harder against your skin.

" Time's up "

Your last thought was that you should have payed attention in math class.

* Different Scenario *

You're working late at night as a janitor in a government lab facility. You're mopping the floors, and thinking to yourself that if you went to college you wouldn't be stuck in this dead end job, cleaning up after arrogant scientists, when you hear galloping. Thinking that it's just your mind playing tricks on you in the eerie quiet, you shrug it off, and go back to mopping. Five minutes later, when you're cleaning a mysterious yellow liquid, you hear a crash and it startles you fully alert. You turn around and see the big window you just cleaned is in shards, and there standing in all its glory is a unicorn with Eminem on his back rapping to the song Stan on it's back. You stand there, eyes wide and awestruck, when the unicorn speaks,

" We have come to save your planet from the alien octopuses that want to blow it up. "

In your shocked state you still manage to croak out two questions  

" Why do they want to blow up our planet? And why have you unicorns been hiding all this time? "

" Because the alien octopuses are sore losers at poker. And as we've been hiding from Voldemort, he's teamed up with the alien octopuses because he is a unicorn blood sucking douche. Quick, answer this and you'll be able to save the world from destruction: x/38 x 4/65. " 

You can't do this inside your head, you need a calculator. Wait, do you even remember how to do it. No. Great now the world is going to explode because you didn't remember how to solve a fucking problem. All of a sudden there is a crash behind you, you turn around and see Voldemort flying in. He waves his wand and yells 


Well, shit.

* End of imagination *

Ya, I know my imagination is fucked up


I quickly jumped up and ran out of the room, trying my hardest to avoid that Andrew guy. He kept sneaking glances at me through the whole math class. Pushing past the crowds of people, I decided that I was going to skip the rest of school today and hang out with my crew. Taking out my crappy flip phone I called my best friend Heather. We met 3 years ago, when I was about 15.

* Flashback *

I was spray painting the side wall of a clothing store that had fired me recently for taking a couple of bracelets from the sales rack. They didn't tell me that I couldn't get stuff for free, I mean I was getting minimum wage for working 7 hours a day. How was I supposed to know that wasn't part of my paycheck. I was almost done with my beautiful painting of the manager taking a crap on a babies head when a girl just happened to be walking by. She saw what I was doing and grabbed another spray can from my bag which so happened to be neon yellow. She started writing something in big block letters on the old brick wall. When she was done she handed the can back to me. I looked at what she had written, it read: 'Janice Villa is a slut. She fucked the owner of this store to become manager.' 

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