7. Attempt To Escape

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I open my eyes to see unfamiliar surroundings causing my heart rate to pick up.

I quickly get up from the couch I had been lying on and study the surroundings.

Very modern house, white walls, creme furniture, large windows. beautiful soft looking carpet.

Never Have I seen this place. My mind jumps to the obvious conclusion of being kidnapped.

Luckily just as I turned my head to find the way out a tall male male makes his way into my vision instantly making me calm. It makes sense now, we are obviously in Harrys 'safe house' but I don't remember getting here? Great I must of fallen asleep in the car and now I don't know how far away I am from home.

"Olivia are you alright?" He asks me, appearing right next to me with worry written all over his face.

I merely nod, still taking in my surroundings. In all honestly I do not want to be here. I want to be at home in my own bed with my mum and sister. Not here. Why was I so stupid to actually go along with this?

"You look like you just saw a ghost." He chuckled.

I didn't reply so he continued "Would you like a drink of water?"

I nodded my head although I didn't feel like water. I thought it was a perfect time to run.

So thats what I did. I found the closest door which wasn't far from the couch where I previously was. I made my way quietly out of it and started running as fast as I could. I didn't recognise the area, great. There was lots of trees and green grass. There wasn't many houses around, in my view there was only about 2. And they weren't right next door either. So I'm running in a neighbourhood that consists of two houses that looks like nobody lives in and I don't know where I'm meant to go.

I don't know why I thought I could get anywhere by running though. But I also don't know why Harry thinks he can just take me to the middle of no where with him when he's basically a stranger. Apparently because I know his name thats enough for me to know who he is and what he's all about.

Some logic he has.

I mean I did admit to myself that I can trust him. And yes thats true. But I don't trust his motives, I trust that he knows what he's talking abut when he says I'm not safe at home because everything adds up. And I trust that he will keep me safe because he already has saved me twice but I don't understand why he had to take me out here when he did just fine at keeping me safe while I was in my neighbourhood.

Just as I was about to turn a corner my foot slipped from underneath me and of course being my clumsy self I fell over. I Pulled myself up so I was sitting on my bottom and looked down, I grazed my knee and had a cut on my arm.

Not going to lie it actually hurt quite a bit.

"OLIVIA" I hear a booming voice echo through the emptiness of my surroundings

I stiffen immediately, knowing Its Harry.

"Shit." I mumble to myself and quickly stand to my feet. This cant be happening.

I should have run faster.

Just as I'm about to start running again I feel my arm being tugged. I whipped my head to look behind me and of course I'm face yet again with Harry. But this time he was angry.

I felt all the colour drain from my face. I guess I really didn't think this through. Honestly where was I going to go? I cant see anything for as long as my view is and who knows what Harry is going to do to me now.

I looked up to see his forehead wrinkled whether it was because of frustration or some other reason I couldn't tell, I just directed my head down again breaking our gaze.

"Why did you run?" He asked sternly making me feel uneasy.

Because I don't want to be stuck in a house for god knows how long with you.

I just shrugged in answer. I don't think he liked it to much because he tightened his grip on my arm which just happen to be where the cut was. I sort of winced and he noticed and loosened his grip.

He also noticed the blood smeared across his hand which confused him as he examined it before lifting my arm up and noticing the cut.

"You're hurt." He stated simply. I watched as the creases in his forehead disappeared and the colour of his eyes no longer appeared to be a dark forest green but back to how I first remember them as beautiful intriguing green eyes.

He didn't say another word he just grasped my hand and walked me back to the house. There was honestly no point in running. As much as I wanted to, where would I go? Its not like he's trying to hurt me but in his moment of anger before, it did kind of scare me. Just how his eyes turned black at the flick of a switch made me worried that if I lose balance on that switch what will happen.

We made it into the house and he took me through the door I had previously ran from. We walked past the lounge room and continued down the hall. He stopped at a door and twisted the door knob open. He took me to the bathroom. The bathroom was fairy large. It had all the essentials in it, a bath, a shower, a sink, a toilet, cupboards for towels ect. But Im unsure of why he was bringing me into the bathroom. I stopped at the door and he continued walking in and bent down in front of the sink and started rummaging through the cupboards beneath.

I was still stood at the door when he stood up, his hands full.

"I'm not going to bite." He said, making it seem like his mood didn't flip earlier. "Come here." He continued. I just stood there for a few seconds still unsure why we were in the bathroom and he gave me a funny look so I just decided to walk forwards towards him.

He moved me towards the toilet and gestured me to sit down on the shut lid.

Then all of a sudden I felt something cool on my knee making me flinch I look down so see Harry kneeling with a wet face washer dabbing it over my grazed knee.

He looked up at me with an amused expression. then the amused expression was wiped off his face and was replaced with a blank one, "Does it hurt?" He asked.

I just shook my head and he continued cleaning it. Once he had done that one he sat on the bathtub wich was beside the toilet. "Could I please look at your arm?"

I lifted my arm and he carefully held my wrist, inspecting the cut which seemed very deep, about 5 centimetres down from the joint of my elbow on the inside of my arm.

I don't even know how it happened. Maybe next time if I run I should be careful on how I step/where I step.

"This one is probably going to hurt, just a heads up." He said in a deep raspy tone causing something inside of me to light up.

What he said was true, after he had rinsed the washer he started dabbing it on the cut of my arm. I tried my best not to pull out of his grip earning a laugh from him.

This time he put some liquid stuff on it claiming 'It will stop it from getting infected.' And he put a bandaid over it so that if it kept on bleeding it wouldn't go all over things.


"Alright well, Ill leave you to it." Harry says while backing up to the door to exit the room that Is labelled as 'mine' for the time being.

"Goodnight." I breath out as he left the room and not forgetting to shut the door behind him.

I sat on the bed and pushed myself up against the headboard, leaning my head against it.

How did I manage to end up in this mess? I wish I could talk to someone, my mum or Eden even kelsey but I cant even let them know I'm okay beachesI dropped my phone earlier today.

I climb under the donna trying to sleep to escape my thoughts, only if its for a little while.


A/N: Thanks for reading and I hope you liked this chapter!

I haven't written in ages and thought I should probably get back into it so here I am...

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-A xx

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