Chapter 14

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Nutwhisker's POV:

"Ah!" Nutwhisker hissed as Zeye carefully placed the mixture of goosegrass and chervile root into the medicine cat's neck wound.

"Sorry." Zeye muttered, trying to be even more gentle as he wrapped the herb in cobwebs.

Nutwhisker sighed, trying to keep as still as possible. "Now I know why the cats I treat complain so much. This stuff hurts more than the actual wound does."

"But it will make you feel better." Zeye meowed, sitting back to brush the stray cobwebs from his white furred paws.

"As long as infection doesn't set in." Nutwhisker muttered, reaching into his herb store for some fresh moss. He made a hiss of discomfort as his neck throbbed from the movement.

Zeye flicked a paw and the moss was surrounded by blue mist before it floated steadily towards Nutwhisker. "Where do you want this?"

"It's for the nests, the bedding needs changing." Nutwhisker explained, his paw resting back on the ground as he watched Zeye.

The white tom smiled and nodded before using his powers to efficiently change the bedding on all the nests in the medicine cave. Nutwhisker watched silently, a sudden realisation coming to him.

Zeye was immortal, he was centuries old. A cat like him wouldn't bat an eyelid at a normal mortal cat such as Nutwhisker or his clan. But somehow, Zeye cared for him so strongly that he had risked his life to save his. Nutwhisker suddenly realised how lucky he was to have a cat like Zeye actually seemimg to care for him.

Once Zeye was finished with the nests, Nutwhisker murmured. "Thank you."

Zeye shrugged. "There's no need-"

"No, really. Thank you Zeye, for everything you have done to help me." Nutwhisker meowed. "It's nice to have someone around who cares."

Zeye dipped his head and with a purr. "I promise I will do everything in my power to keep you safe from harm." He smiled at the brown medicine cat, providing him with no clear explanation as to why.

Nutwhisker returned the smile, his green eyes shining.


NoName's POV: (Another Special POV Yey)

"There's someone who wants to speak with you, NoName." Fallencreek, the cat on guard, muttered from the cave entrance, his deep voice echoing down the tunnel and into NoName's ear.

She growled, lifting her head. Her glowing white eyes lit up the dark, spacious cave, revealing a dark silhouette in the tunnel entrance. A pair or red orbs were fixed on her, a strange gleam in them.

"The legendary NoName. Napping." The tom let out a bark of a laugh. "I'm glad to catch you at your most peaceful state."

"What do you want?" NoName snapped, her voice rough from sleep. Dime stirred from beside her, lifting his head to look at the cat watching them.

"I hear you're planning to destroy some clans." The grey tom murmured, striding closer. "I want in."

"How do I know I can trust you?" NoName hissed, her shadows thickening around her paws as the tom stopped a tail-length away.

"Oh come on, look at me. I look like the most stereotypical evil cat out there." He snuck a glance at himself. "Dark-ish fur, glowing red eyes. The whole "evil cat" package."

NoName kept her guard up, she had had her fair share of tricks and deception in the past. There was no way she was trusting this tom yet. "What is your name?" She demanded softly, her thick red tail twitching against her nest.

"Zephyr." He gave her a lazy smirk. "Who's that?" His red eyes turned to Dime, who growled.

"My mate, Dime." NoName murmured.

"Not very scary looking with that bowtie." Zephyr was trying to hold back laughter and Dime's growl deepened.

NoName dug her claws into the ground. That tom was about to get a slap in the face with her shadows very soon. "Before joining us you must prove yourself trustworthy."

"Very well, what do you ask of me?" Zephyr turned back to her, his face serious once again.

"I need you to kill someone for me..."


Warriors: Reign Of Shadows ~Series 2 Book 6~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें