Chapter 12

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Special Chapter

NoName's POV:

"What is the meaning of this?" NoName seethed, her ears flattened.

Tyler was struggling against Dime and three other warriors, all four limbs and his wings held down. "Dime thinks it's a crime that I'm with Silvershy!"

NoName's ears pricked in interest, her anger fading in a flash. "She's with you now?"

"Yes." Tyler muttered, panting from the struggle. His tail flicked from side to side, kicking up dust.

Dime growled, his paws held firmly on Tyler's left wing. "He is weak. His love for Silvershy softens his heart."

NoName narrowed her eyes at the dark furred tom before letting out a soft laugh. "This could be used to our advantage. Silvershy's powers could mean a turning point in battle. If we get her on our side, our victory will be sealed."

Dime lashed his tail. "But NoN-"

"Let my brother do as he wishes, there will be no punishment." NoName's pure white gaze travelled to the three Dark Forest warriors and they immediately dipped their heads and darted away into the shadows.

As soon as the weight was released, Tyler threw Dime off him and snapped to his paws, muttering under his breath.

NoName strode over to Tyler and leaned up to murmur in her brother's ear. "If Silvershy does not join us in the next half moon, she will be killed." Tyler opened his mouth to argue, his lips drawn back in anger, but NoName was already stalking away.

Dime fell into step beside NoName and he muttered. "Why did you do that?"

NoName didn't glance at him as she spoke, her eyes glaring at the trees around them. "He deserves some happiness."

Dime scoffed. "You're the Dark Forest leader. You don't give your warriors happiness."

"He's my brother." She replied, voice cold.

"That never seemed to stop you before." Dime's green eyes searched her face, trying to see what was different about NoName.

"Things change." Was all she said before breaking into a trot, pulling ahead of Dime.


Snowshadow's POV:

"Stop running from me.." The distorted voice sang behind her, sending chills down her spine.

Snowshadow ignored the voice and ran faster, her breath billowing out in clouds before her eyes. All around her prowled the spiders. Giant cat-sized spiders with glowing red eyes. To say that she was terrified of the spiders was an understatement.

Her snow white pelt bristled as she turned a corner, right into the path of a spider. She skidded to a halt, twirling around to run back only to find the spider that had been chasing her had caught up. She looked around- thick thorn bushes surrounded her only other escape from the spiders.

The spiders slithered closer, their beady red eyes fixed on her. Snowshadow cowered in the centre of the clearing, her heart pounding so hard in her chest that she thought it would explode.

"Isn't this so much fun?" One of the spiders purred, their eyes flickering white for a second.

Snowshadow couldn't say anything, she was too frightened. The spiders drew slowly closer.

"Mm..." The same spider that had spoken before murmured. "I bet you'll taste amazing.."

A small cry of terror left Snowshadow's parted lips and she curled into a tight ball on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Please no!" She wailed. "Leave me alone!"

The two spiders were nearly ontop of her, staring delightfully at their petrified prey. She whimpered and sobbed, burying her muzzle in her chest fur. "No..." She choked on her sobs.

One of the spiders drew one of its legs across her back and she started trembling uncontrollably. But then, the spiders disappeared and Snowshadow found herself alone in the dark, shadowed clearing.

A she cat's voice echoed around her. "Now, wasn't that fun?"

Snowshadow stayed in her ball, still sobbing and shaking. There was a sudden coldness beside her and she peeked one eye open to see dark mist snaking up her back, slowly surrounding her. In the darkness beyond, a red she cat with glowing white eyes strolled over to her.

"N-NoName?" Snowshadow whimpered, shuffling away as the she cat drew closer.

"Clever she cat." NoName chuckled, her eyes beaming as she examined the white she cat before her. "You'll make a fine addition to my shadows."

Without another second of warning, NoName had Snowshadow pinned down. She placed a red paw on her chest and forehead, eyes narrowed in concentration. Snowshadow let out a shrill cry as her soul was ripped from her body and darkness took over.


Warriors: Reign Of Shadows ~Series 2 Book 6~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon