Chapter 8: Awkward

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He knew. They all knew. This whole entire time, all this pain and frustration he had experienced all could have been easily subsided if they had just been honest to begin with. How could they? Here in this sickeningly pink apartment sat two of his best friends ever, who took his trust and betrayed it. Why couldn't they tell him? what was this big secret that they were hiding? And did they realize that them not telling him this information, hindered his relationship with Hinata. Naruto remained silent afraid that if he spoke his rage would over power him, he just continued pacing back and forth through out the apartment with his hands fisting his hair, while Sasuke and Sakura watched. Sakura felt guilt sink in watching him. All she wanted to do was protect Hinata's feelings, only until now did she realized that in the process she had also damaged Naruto's. She turned to look at Sasuke for a reaction, but as she suspected he remained emotionless. Letting out a sigh she took the opportunity to whisper to him, " What are you planning " she said her eyes still following Naruto's movements.

" Being honest, this whole thing is starting to annoy me," Sasuke responded looking straight a head in a almost nonchalant voice.

Sakura's eyes widened and she felt a spark of rage shoot through out her body, was he insane? This was a delicate subject, a secret that Hinata had entrusted them with. It wasn't something you could just give up because it irritated you. How heartless.

She quickly snapped around in Sasuke's direction anger radiating off her, her nails digging into the couch" What about Hinata and HER feelings !" she whispered slash yelled.

Sasuke met her flaming stare unfazed, his head laying lazily against the back of the couch " Who do think I'm doing this for? This is what's best for both of them," he whispered back to her. " Do really want them to beat themselves up like this anymore." Sakura's anger disappeared instantly and her gaze met the floor, he was right. All this fighting and jealousy had gotten out of hand, plus Naruto had a right to know where Hinata was coming from. And maybe just maybe this would be the little push he needed to figure out his feelings. Sakura slouched back against the couch, she still couldn't help but worry Hinata would be angry with them.

Naruto finally came to an abrupt stop in front of the two. Simultaneously Sasuke and Sakura heads raised to give him their full attention. He appeared a bit more relaxed he was no longer on the verge of ripping his hair from his head and his piercing gaze had some what softened. " Well ?" Naruto practically croaked out " Are you going to tell me or what?"

Sakura turned to look at Sasuke, she certainly didn't know what to say and he was the one who had ratted them out, so it was only fair that he started. Sasuke sat up straight and let out of sigh, " Ok Dobe, tell me... how long exactly have you and Hinata been friends?"

Naruto looked at Sasuke with heavy confusion, where was he going with this? " Well I've known her since middle school," he sat down across from the two of them. " So that's like what..6 or 7 years but you know that so what's yo-

" Did you notice anything.. DIFFERENT about Hinata's behavior when she was around YOU in particular in the years you spent together " Sasuke said cutting him off.

Naruto's eye brows furrowed together, he didn't understand what Sasuke was doing, he said he was going to give him answers not question him. But Naruto decided to play along, maybe this was leading to something. " Ah I don't know...she used to faint a lot around me," Naruto shifted in his seat and scratched his chin, " But she has always had her fair share of health issues so that could have been the reason, other than that and following me around sometimes not really."
A large smack sound drew Naruto's attention, Sakura had slammed her hand against her forehead and was currently holding the bridge of her nose in what appeared to be annoyance. Naruto couldn't figure out why though.

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