Chapter 7: Forgive but don't forget

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The sun's light began to dull, marking the end of the day and the beginning of the evening. His body screamed for sleep but his mind was wide awake. There was nothing to do no where to go, his friends were probably all out doing things and enjoying there lives. But where was he? curled up in his bed, staring at the ceiling, alone. Maybe he'd turn on the tv and catch up on some shows he'd missed or play another round of call of duty on his play station. Or maybe he'd attempt to cook something healthily for once, ramen sounded good but for some reason these days it had lost that special touch, like something was missing.

Even though these thoughts had crossed his mind his body still refused to move from its spot as if it was glued there. He gave in and let out a frustrated sigh, it was no use he was stuck in a funk. This apartment had always been lonely, people rarely came to visit, it was dark, cramp and the place was a few more storms away from falling apart. But he had always found a way to make light of it, he'd stay out for a as long as he could to avoid coming home and when he was here by himself he'd invite people over to liven the place up.

  So why was it so hard to do that now? Why now had he let himself be swallowed by the depths of loneliness that he had pushed away for so many years. Naruto looked across his room and out the window for an answer. That's when something caught his eye, there on the table next to the windowsill a picture sat, a picture of someone in particular. His questions were answered. Now he understood everything, it wasn't loneliness he was feeling it was longing. He missed her.

How long had it been since their fight? a few days? weeks? It was like she was a drug or something the withdrawal was killing him. Every time he'd go to work and see her it was like silent torture. He'd greet her and thankfully, she remained polite just as she had always been and responded, but that was as far as any conversation between them went. They'd work side by side not exchanging a single word, occasionally he'd catch her staring at him with this look in her eyes and for a second he'd believed she felt the same way that she missed him as well. But once there eyes met, her face would tighten and she'd look away.

Naruto rolled over on his side and frowned, there had to be more to the reason why Hinata was acting this way, sure he had been wrong for what he did, but to have a response like this? Something else must be up. In fact now that he thought about it, this situation kinda reminded him of what happened in high school. She distanced herself and then soon no one heard from her and then before he had a chance to figure out what was wrong she was gone. And to make it even more confusing no one questioned it and no one was questioning it now like he was the only one who didn't know what was going on.

He Hated it, why was he the only one left in the shadows, Hinata was his friend too. He needed to find out what was going on, he hadn't pressed the subject out of respect and to spare feelings, but he couldn't do it anymore. If Hinata and he were to ever fully repair their relationship he needed to know all the facts. He needed to find out the real reason why Hinata had left all those years ago and while he was at it, figure out what exactly cause this change in her. Naruto sprung up from his bed and moved quickly out of his room.
He needed to know now! and he knew exactly who to go to. He looked around his apartment for his favorite orange hoodie he wore for good luck but couldn't find it. It had been missing for a while actually. He gave up and settled for a black jacket before heading out the door. He was about to open his car door when a buzzing in his front pocket  caught his attention. It was a text message.


" One venti Americano and a straight black coffee for the Gentlemen." Hinata said playfully curtsying, causing her guest to burst out in laughter. " Why thank you milady, come now sit sit" Kiba said extending his hands to the seat across from him. Hinata giggled as she sat down.

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