Chapter 1- Runaway Princess!

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I thank you Reader-Chan for reading this story, I hope you enjoy what is yet to come and please, tell me if there is any grammer mistakes.... I'm a terrible writer... And if you want me to update,  I'll gladly do so!  Dedicated for you specially ^^ Please enjoy all my friendly readers!!  ^^

I awaken, the suns rays poured through the pristine white curtains. I rolled around as the bright light blinded me, meeting face to face with King Shirosaki. I disgusted and fearful face spread across my features very quickly and I scrunched up my nose as if I smelt something particularly revolting. I carefully got out of the blood red sheets, being careful not to wake the sadistic being. I successfully got out and scanned the King's room.
The the chandelier dangled in the center of the room and the sun's light reflected off the diamond shapes on it making strange but beautiful patterns on the red colored walls. I noticed a pale yellow dress on a chair in the room and some, not too large, white heels. The maids have already laid out my clothes for the day. I looked at Shirosaki with a face of awareness, I know what he's like... He always peeks on me changing, Perv... He was still asleep but I changed rather fast just to be extra sure. I examined myself in the human-sized mirror. The dress was strapless and had the love-heart shaped... Thing... That covered your chest. The torso was tight but stopped at my waist before slightly poofing out down to my feet. The back had the ribbons for a corset, I tied it, it still had access ribbon dangling but I didn't care. The dress was a nice length and barely showed the white heels. I looked at myself once more carefully making my way to the door, being careful not to make noises on the tiles. I opened the door and stepped out. A sigh of relief escaping my lips. Today was the day, runaway girl. I'm going to find my parents. I grabbed my bag full of food, water and a coat which I'd hid the night before from out of the back of a house plant and threw it over my naked shoulder. I scanned the corridor ahead and then the corridor to right. It was clear of the maids, I ran carefully down the corridor to my right, not wanting my shoes to make a noise. I also scanned the stairs before quickly going down them. I reached the bottom and look right, where I saw the exit. I smirked then I turned to the left to see if it was clear but it wasn't, one of the maids had already seen me and I had no choice but to run for the exit, I gave up running quietly. The maid noticed I was escaping and she ran after me, her shoes also made a noise. She was getting closer by the second. I managed to make it out in time and I continued to run. She stopped at the exit and stared to the left, Shirosaki came into view, my eyes widened and he just smirked. I forgot about him and just continued. I had ran for almost fifteen minutes now before I was completely out of breath. I made it, I was free. I smiled to myself and looked around. I was at a muddy river with an old little hut next to it. I searched the area more and saw a girl sat on an old wooden bench next to the strong flowing muddy river. I walked over to her and we made eye contact.
"U-um, can you tell me which way is out of town?" I managed to speak out. I was nervous speaking to outsiders.
"um, of course miss! I can take you there if you like!" she said with happiness and joy whilst fiddling with her oversized brown pullover. She stood up in an instant, surprising me
"oh my, yes please! What is your name? " I replied whilst bowing and giving her the happiest eye smile I could give. She smiled back
" I'm Mayu, may I know what your name is? "she bowed and stayed in that position for a couple seconds
" I'm princ- oh- I'm (y/n)! It's a pleasure!" I said happily but inside I was getting a little impatient. Not that I was rude just because I thought that the King would find me. Mayu replied with a giggle before telling me that we should start moving. She walked ahead of me onto a little pathway into the woods and I trailed on behind her looking around cautiously before speeding up. After some time we found a dull dark building with a single small door. Looks unpleasant I thought. Mayu pointed to the building.
"in there, we'll find a door, if you go through there you'll find the way out of town" she said, with a hint of helpfullness in her eyes. She lowered her hand before approaching the door and we both walked in. The place was empty as it was quite early in the morning. We took the corridor to the right walking round the curved walkway until we found a double glass door, I looked through. It was bright and beautiful, butterflies flew around from flower to flower and that muddy river from before flowed into the land making it look clean and pure. Mayu and I smiled to each other. But those smiled disappeared as we tried to open the door. It was locked and it set off an alarm. We heard many running footsteps coming from the corridors each side of us. We looked side to side as we heard faint voices yelling: "retrieve Princess (l/n)!!". We heard rattling of advanced equipment. Before we could run they had us surrounded. Many men with guns were pointed at Mayu. She shivered and I stared at her with fearful eyes and she stared back she yelled at me to run but before either of us could move, one soldier shot her down, the noise of the loud bang from the gun made me jump and I let out a squeak. She fell, it was as if she was falling in slow motion. Since she was such a petite, dainty little girl, the shot catapulted her about 15 inches down the corridor as if she weighed nothing. Her blood splattered onto my face and some on my dress, staining patches of it. She started twitching for a couple of seconds before she stopped moving, blood poured out onto the white tiles of the building. Her fearful eyes still stared at me and and the red substance slowly trickled out and down the side of her already pale chin and lips before dripping onto the floor, joining the rest of the blood and becoming one again. The light from that land of freedom traveled through the glass door and reflected onto the thick crimson liquid. Tears poured from my eyes and they mixed with the blood on my face. Three guards ran to me and pushed me onto the ground so I was on my knees in the dark substance, staining my clothing, she was still staring at me... they tied my hands together behind my back and dragged me through the red liquid. I let out a groan/whimper. I continued to stare at Mayu and she stared back until all the soldiers and I turned the corner, they continued to drag me down. They dragged me back through the woods and the the muddy river I saw Mayu's family outside their house in a state of worry, they had no clue what happened but I did. They're going to find out that their child is dead and it's all my fault. I started to cry again, they dragged me through the mud and back to the mansion, where they threw me onto the steps to the entrance, mud and blood transfered to the pale steps and they stood behind me and saluted. I looked up and Shirosaki stared down at me. He was wearing a tight black shirt which slightly outlined is figure. The neck of the shirt was low, starting at his mid-shoulders and curved down past his visible collarbones. He matched it with simple black pants and shoes. I continued to stare up at him with fearful, tired and almost lifeless eyes. He just smirked at what he saw. He crouched down to me until he was almost at eye level and took my chin in between his pale slender fingers making me look more into his black and yellow, demonic eyes. I whimpered before he lowered his face down to my ear and whispered
"... Did you think you could escape... Princess?" I could feel a sadistic grin become plastered across his face. He trailed my naked shoulder with his fingers before gripping it. He licked the blood from my face letting the iron tangy taste dance along his blue taste buds. I shivered under his grasp.
"You’re all mine..."

[Chapter 1 -  Runaway Princess, End]

Phew!  Thank you for reading  chapter one! By the way, you probably read this story days after it was written because I had no Internet -_- I'll update this story when I find more interesting ideas to add or just tell me some good ideas and I'll be straight onto it! Please be excited for future updates! Goodbye!! ^~^/

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