"Well I turn into a giant wolf." Andrew replied. "Your wolf form confuses me." I blurted out. "Why?" Andrew requested. "Because you and Dalton are identical twins but your wolf form has a white stripe on your chest."  I answered. "Oh yeah, no one knows why, it was just something that happened." Andrew replied. "Well it looks cool." I said with a smile.

Orchid walked out of the woods pushing her hair around. That was weird. Orchid never touched her curls, she goes on saying it ruins the natural look. "Just a raccoon." Orchid said. "No Valkyrie?" I asked. "Valkyrie?" Orchid asked confused. "You know your older sister, Derik's personal witch." I said. "Oh her, yeah I don't think she's coming." Orchid said. "Well I'm gonna go, come on Andy cutie." Orchid said.

"That's new." Andrew said as he followed after her. Dalton walked up to me. "You look like you just saw a ghost." Dalton commented sitting next to me. "Orchid just went to check on the woods and came out as someone different." I said. "Like how different?" Dalton asked. "Acted like a girl and called Andrew Andy Cutie." I said. "Wow, well to get your mind off of that lets open presents and cut the cakes." Dalton said getting up.

"Cakes." I said shocked. "We're feeding tons of people we made a bunch of cakes and cupcakes, all of them Harley Quinn though." Dalton said. "You must of spent forever on this." I said. "About five to six hours." Dalton said. "I'm going to thank all of you later." I said. "I know." Dalton said. "Cake and presents!" Dalton yelled. Never seen people go so fast. "I call the head." I replied. No cake blow on me today.
I looked at the few pieces of Harley Quinn's head. "Did you kidnap Flimur?" I asked. "It's not kidnapping more like surprise adoption." Lucas said. "No worries we'll give him back tonight." Lucas replied. "You better, he promised me homemade animal shaped pancakes." I said. "What did you have for breakfast today anyway, Flimur always does birthday breakfasts." Lucas said.

"Pancakes shaped like Satan with sausages." I answered. "You and pancakes." Lucas said. "Well you can't shape waffles now can you." I replied. Pancakes and waffles were my thing. If I could eat them for breakfast constantly I would. But Flimur insists on spreading our horizons.

I looked down at the silver dagger Derik got me. I broke my other one when fighting Gavial. Damn demons. If their not annoying me their breaking my weapons. "So what's up with Orchid." Derik asked sitting down. "I don't know, she went to go check on something and came back like that." I answered.

"What do you think happened?" Derik asked taking a bite from his cake. "Maybe the raccoon gave her rabies." I muttered. "Raccoon, there's no raccoons around here." Dalton said. "There isn't?" I asked confused. "No, only deer, sometimes bears and elk are here, and once in awhile a wolf pack." Dalton answered.

Derik looked at me. Then at the silver dagger. I nodded understanding. "Hey, I'll be right back." I said. "Ok." Dalton answered. Grabbing my silver dagger I began approaching Andrew, Orchid and his brothers. "Yeah Andy's adorable." Orchid said poking his nose. Nico was looking at her weirdly.

"Hey." I said. "Happy birthday." Rory said. "Thank you." I answered. "Nice dagger." Nico said. "Thanks, it's pure silver made to cut through werewolf like a knife through butter." I said. "Vivid detail, sounds like Blade." Angel commented. "Yeah." I replied. My eyes drifted to Orchid. I'm so gonna regret this.

"Andrew can you move." I said. "Why?" Andrew asked. "Just do it please." I said. Andrew nodded and walked towards Rory. I looked at Orchid and offered her a smile. She smiled back at me. "Hi Iz." Orchid replied. Strike one. "Hey." I answered. "Nice skinny jeans, they make a perfect birthday outfit." Orchid commented. Strike two. "What's your favorite spell?" I asked.

"Um, Angel's kiss." Orchid said in a duh tone. Strike three and your out. Grabbing her shoulders I plunged the dagger into her stomach.

Everything went silent. Andrew turned around. His eyes turned bright gold. Then he lunged at me. Nico and Rory both grabbed him. "How dare you!" Andrew screamed at me. In one moment Dalton was there helping them restrain Andrew who was currently trying to kill me. I looked back at Orchid and twisted the dagger.

Steam began to rise from the wound. Andrew stopped struggling and looked at her in shock. Orchid's eyes turned red. Then I was thrown across the ground dagger in my hand. Orchid growled at me. "Stupid hunter." Orchid spat.

Lucas reached in his jacket and pulled out his pistol. Pointing it at her he shoot. But just as he did, Orchid surged forward. "Andrew it's not Orchid!" I yelled standing up. Andrew looked at me with his piercing golden gaze. "Don't believe her." Orchid replied as she touched her steaming wound.

"I love you Andy." Orchid said. "She's a shape-shifter!" I yelled. "They take on other appearances, when Orchid went into the woods then came back saying it was a raccoon, there's no raccoons around here!" I screamed. 'Orchid' glared at me. She grabbed her skin and began tearing it off. I didn't see what she looked like. But 'Orchid' surged forward and a brown wolf took her place.

Andrew froze. I pushed myself up holding the dagger. The wolf's eyes were a bright red. The shape-shifter growled at me as it circled in. Salvia was dripping from it's muzzle. I tightened my grip on the dagger. Not the best weapon but it'd work.

The wolf then went flying at me. I pushed myself to the ground. As it jumped open I slashed at it's stomach. The wolf went tumbling across the ground. Pushing myself up I glared at it. "I didn't even get to open my presents." I said angrily. The wolf simply growled at me.

"And it's all because of you." I said glaring at the wolf. The wolf pushed itself up and looked around. Then it tipped it's head back and let out a long loud howl. Howls returned. Dalton looked at me. I looked at the wolf in pure rage. Then I threw my dagger at it hitting it square between the eyes. Howls filled the night. "The rogue war, positions!" Jackson yelled.

Everyone went scattering through the place. I ran towards Lucas. "Did you bring any weapons?" I asked. "Of course, but we're gonna have to be quick, remember we are protecting people." Lucas said. "I brought some too." Derik said. "Well let's go." I said. They both nodded and stood up. That wolf just started the war.

1887 words. BOOM! The rogue war has started.  The war will be chapters long. I'm gonna be back on my regular updating schedule. Some of the girls in the video look like Isabella. Until next time my party animal marshmallows.

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