:Chapter 21:

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"Are we gonna go to the park?" Alex asked as he walked beside me. "Of course." Isabella said as Aries and Hades strutted. They seemed to be proud of themselves. Alex smiled as he tugged on his t-rex jacket. Isabella seemed to adore Alex.

Alex smiled as he grabbed my jacket. "Swings!" Alex yelled running towards the swings. Isabella smiled as we walked in. "He has so much energy." I said as we sat on the benches. "We have energy like that when we want." Isabella said as she unleashed the dogs. This was a kid and dog park. Isabella walked over to the field.

"You throw a stick for Hades." Isabella said. 'Maybe you can throw something for me.' I rolled my eyes at Ash and his perverted mind. I had to live with this when Isabella was around. I pushed myself and ran after her. Isabella had already throw a stick for Aries. Hades looked up at me and looked down at a stick.

Picking it up I threw it in the direction of where Isabella did. Alex suddenly appeared next to me. "Can I throw the stick next?" Alex asked tilting his head. I smiled down at him. "Sure." I answered. Soon Aries and Hades were racing each other back, each one with a stick in their mouth.

Hades dropped the stick in front of Alex. Alex smiled before picking it up and throwing it. "Can we get milkshakes after?" Alex asked looking at us with puppy like eyes. "Yes we can." Isabella said. I shook my head but couldn't help but crack a smile.

Isabella then went to go sit on a bench. I followed her. "Taking a break?" I asked. "No, I'm just gonna throw the sticks from here." Isabella said. Alex ran after us. The dogs were chasing him with sticks. "Dalton their chasing me." Alex cried jumping on top of me. Isabella bit her lip trying not to laugh. "Alex they simply want you to throw the stick." I said setting him down next to me. "Oh." Alex said.

"How long do you think we're gonna be here." Isabella said pulling out her iPhone. "An hour or two, why?" I asked. "Nothing you need to concern yourself with." Isabella said. "No need to go all psycho on me." I said playfully. Isabella shook her head before looking at her phone. But I could see a hint of a smile on her face.
"No." I said. "Yes." Alex argued. "No means no." I repeated. "Well I said yes." Alex said glaring at me. I groaned at him. "Your only getting one milkshake." I said. "But there both delicious." Alex whined. "Alex, which one is your all time favorite?" Isabella asked. "Oreo." Alex said. Isabella grabbed the chocolate one from him.

"We'll get you this one next time." Isabella said with a smile. Alex nodded before putting the cup into the machine and hitting less thick. "See he likes me better." Isabella said with a smirk. I shook my head at her. "Mint chocolate chip." I said looking at her milkshake. "Hey its good." Isabella said as she put hers in the machine hitting more thick.

"You do know less thick is extremely thick." I said. "I like thick milkshakes." Isabella said as she put a cover on Alex's. I shook my head as I put my vanilla one in and hit less thick. "Are we gonna eat here or in the car?" Alex asked as he put the straw in. "Here." I answered putting the cover on my milkshake.

I grabbed Alex's hand and led him to a table. Isabella had our milkshakes in her hands. "So Alex, how many crickets did you release?" I asked as we sat down. "Two boxes with one hundred in each box." Alex said with a grin. "You should release spiders next." Isabella said as she handed us our milkshakes.

Alex grinned as he began  drinking his milkshake. "Mom will flip, her pregnancy hormones are really kicking in." Alex said as his eyes flickered to me. "Alana is gonna be like that soon." Isabella whispered in fear. Alex looked at her surprised. "Lana, is pregnant?" Alex asked. "Kadan." Isabella answered.

Alex nodded understanding. I swear they communicate through looks. "So how many people did you beat up." Alex asked with an evil look in his eye. Isabella raised an eyebrow. "About ten give or take a few." Isabella said as she handed me her milkshake. I rolled my eyes as I tossed it in the trash.

"I want to be like you one day, beating people up, like Trace's little brother Tim." Alex said pouting. Tim was rude just like his brother Trace. Isabella nodded as she began to examine me. She poked my arm. Then she smashed her fist into it. Pain erupted on Isabella's face.

'She's hurt, what do we do?' "Mother freaking mutt." Isabella swore holding her fist. "Are you alright?" I asked grabbed her hand. "What are you made from bricks?" Isabella asked. "Dalton works out every morning." Alex commented.

Isabella snatched her hand back. "What time is it?" Isabella asked switching the topic. I looked at my iPhone and checked the time. "12." I answered. "I have to leave in fifteen minutes, Lucas and Derik insisted we train together." Isabella said.

"I should probably teach Alex some basic self-defense too, since the war is coming up." I said looking at Alex. "I get to beat people up?" Alex asked perking up. "Yes, you get to beat Rodney and Rory up." I said. Alex grinned before pumping his fist in the air. "Yay!" Alex yelled as we began cleaning up. "Can we start as soon as we get home." Alex asked gazing up at me.

I smiled at him. "Whatever makes you happy, maybe when Isabella's free she can help us." I said looking at Isabella. "Of course I'll help, I don't want Alex being taught wrong." Isabella said in a duh tone.  "Are you saying I'll teach Alex wrong?" I asked Isabella as we walked to my Jaguar. "Your not the best fighter." Isabella commented. Alex oohed at me.

"I beat you for crying out loud." I said throwing my arms up. "You caught me off guard." Isabella said as we got into my car. "You told me to fight you." I said. "Fine, we'll fight again and I will win." Isabella said her lips curving up into a smirk.

"Fine what do I get if I win?" I asked. "Whatever you want as long as it's not sexual or extremely expensive." Isabella said. "And same for you." I said as I took off towards Isabella's house.

And scene! 1110 words in this chapter. How are you enjoying the book so far. I'm trying to make it more interesting. I'll be doing an interview for myself soon, so pm or comment stuff you'd like to know about me. I'll give my twitter later. Until next time my SEXY marshmallows.

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