The Future Is Now

Start from the beginning

"I can't believe I just met Drop Dead's male lead, Charles Paisley." Fletcher said. "He's my cousin, you know!" She said. He smiled, "Wow." He said. "Thank you for introducing me to him." He said. "You two were bound to meet sometime." She said.

Then while at their table, Erin sees Maia an runs to hug her. "OMG! It's so good to see you!" Maia said. "I miss you so much!" Erin said. Then she holds her arm and drags her toward Lily and Fletcher. "Look what the cat dragged in guys!" Erin said. Then Lily and Maia hysterically laugh and hug each other. "Finally!" Lily cried out and then went elsewhere.

Then Maia looked at Fletcher, "Oh Maia! This is my boyfriend, Fletcher." Erin introduced them. "It's so nice to finally meet you." Maia said and they shake hands. "Likewise." Fletcher said. "I've heard an awful lot of things about you." Maia said. "Good things I hope." He said with a smile and she nodded.

"So how's being with Erin so far? Everything good?" Maia asked Fletcher. Fletcher looks at Erin, "Yeah but not all the time." He said and kisses Erin's forehead. "Mainly because of the attention we're getting from the press lately." Erin added. Maia nodded, "But at least when we do get some privacy and just hang out, we make it count." He said.

"So what are you two gonna do after the tour ends?" Maia asked. Erin and Fletcher look at each other, "We haven't discussed it yet." Erin said. "Like even about college?" Maia asked. Erin got a little nervous and diverted the topic, "Lily's headed for NYU." She said. And it took a while for Maia to process, "Cool! I heard Logan's headed for the west coast." She replied, knowing Erin.

"USC to be exact!" Logan heard the conversation and joined in the conversation. "Nice." Erin said. "But what about you though? I heard from your mom who told my mom that you're headed for Columbia!" Logan said and hugged Maia. "Yeah! I did." Maia said with a giggle.

Fletcher noticed how silent Erin was being and held her hand so he could get a glance of assurance that she was okay. She looked at him and she smiled palely. Fletcher whispered, "Do you wanna go?" And Erin nodded.

"Guys, we're gonna go ahead." Erin said and hugged Maia and Logan. "But the party's just getting good?" Logan said. "It's like one in the morning, I've got rehearsals in a few hours." She said with a smile. "Alright! See you later then!" Maia said.

Then Erin and Fletcher went to go to Lyle and Lily, "Lil, I'm gonna go ahead." Erin said. "What? It's too early!" Lily replied. "I've got rehearsals in a few and I'd like to rest up." She said. Lily nodded and hugged her before they went to go to Lyle. "Lyle, I'll go ahead." She said. "Okay here, take the keys, mom and dad won't be home 'til afternoon tomorrow." He said. "Why?" She asked. "I don't know." He said and then went back to partying.

Then after a while Erin calls it a night and leaves the rooftop bar with Fletcher. As they exit the venue, they are once again hoarded by paparazzi. Fletcher does his best to shield Erin as well as the other bodyguards. They quickly went into the black SUV and was transported to Erin's Brooklyn home.

But before they went back to Brooklyn, Fletcher brings Erin to 26 New Dock Street, Brooklyn.

Fletcher covered Erin's eyes, "Where are you taking me?" She asked as they slowly walked to the railings part. "I don't come to Brooklyn as often as I should. And now that we've escaped the paparazzi and there's practically no one here, I thought I should show you this." He said and releases his hands from Erin's eyes so she could see the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan all lit up.

Erin's eyes sparkled as she gazes into the city, "I've been here before but never like this." She said. "Never like what?" He asked. "I feel so free." She said. "No cameras, no reporters asking me stupid questions and no interruptions." She added then turned to face Fletcher.

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