Part 5 - How not to make the stock Clan

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Now, hopefully, you are sitting there with a realistic looking cat who acts like a cat and doesn't have a weird name.  Why are people still saying that your character is unrealistic and clichè?

I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that your character has an overused personality.  It doesn't even have to be because your character is dislikable or even too perfect.  But before we get to your main character, I want to take a look at the clichè Clan.  Even though there are no names here, some characters from the books or fanfiction stories will quickly come to mind.  Why?  Because this is the stock Clan that everyone uses. 

ThunderClan (Yes it is ThunderClan, most of the time.  I do appreciate that a lot more stories are being told from other points of view though)


- Literally has no personality, because it changes depending on the situation.  Wise, calm and all-knowing, fierce and strong, your leader is also caring to kits and is most likely a tom.  No-one questions their authority, and no-one in the Clan hates them.  


- Young and defiant, the deputy always carries out the leader's orders - but if it's something big like a battle, then they vocally disagree with the leader first.  Seems to have no social life, and is only seen ordering people out on patrols.  Also is often a tom, and for some reason is a lot more agressive towards the other Clans than your leader.  Honestly no-one really cares about them.

Medicine cat:

You have two options that work for either gender.

- Passive-agressive, sarcastic cat who seems to geniunely care for the Clan's wellbeing but vocally declares that they dislike everyone and has no apparent sympathy for patients.  Grumbles a lot.  Somehow people still like them.

- Kind, caring and sweet, this cat never steps a paw wrong and never hesitates to help a cat in need.  Often very feminine (even if they are a tom), loves being a medicine cat and healing cats.  

Medicine cat apprentice:

- Eager to learn, but not too eager, they have even less of a set personality than the leader.  They're kind of just there.  Most of the time, they are apprenticed to the first medicine cat option.  Despite their harsh mentor, they don't argue, fight back or suffer a mental illness from so much negativity.  


- Should be sent to the Dark Forest for being so damn annoying.  Also literally the only cat in the Clan that no-one likes.  

- Kind and caring she-cat

- Wise and calm tom that gives good adivce but probably dies

- She-cat who can kick serious butt but is harsh on her apprentice and is against having kits

- 'Let's start a battle!'


'Because, uh *spins a wheel* they tresspassed into our territory *picks a name out of a hat* and stole some prey *looks around for ideas* and one looked at me funnily.'

- My family died.  

- Whaaaat?  My family died too!

- No way.  My family died as well.  

- Filler character

- Filler character

- Filler character

- A whole lot of cats who no-one cares about


- Hyper apprentice that should be thrown off a cliff

- Emo apprentice who doesn't like anyone

- Naïve she-cat who loves everyone and is always happy

- Chill tom


- Overprotective mum

- Mum who doesn't care about where her kits are

- Sleepy mum

- If you touch my kits you die mum


- Likes play-fighting, wants to be leader, declares anyone boring if they won't wrestle with them, generally annoying and should be pushed off a cliff.

- Quiet, shy kit who has the Clan wrapped around her paw and never puts a paw wrong.

- Troublemaker who convinces everyone else to sneak out of camp, raid the warriors' den, ect.  

- Bully.  May or may not also be the first option.  


- 'When I was your age-' 

Shut up.  

- That one kind elder.

- That one cranky elder.

Okay honestly though.  That's pretty much every Clan ever.  Find ways to make your Clan interesting!  Tell a story from the point of view of WindClan (no-one ever writes about WindClan, and yet they were the first Clan).  Make your leader too soft, maybe, or too hard.  Or, make your leader unlikable or unconfident.  Make your deputy shy.  Make the medicine cat different from the normal stock medics.  I don't know, think of something!  

Another important note for secondary characters is not to make them perfect.  A lot of writers are concerned about making sure their main characters have flaws, but it detracts from your story if their best friend can get whatever she wants and can make the main character do anything because she's awesome and intimidating and there to help move the plot along.  

Although the randoma of the Clan don't need much attention, here's a quick guide to how much detail you should put into everyone's personality.

Leader:  Please make them 3D

Deputy:  They will possibly be the leader in your story, so make sure they're decently fleshed out as well.

Medicine cat:  Basic flaws and strengths will do if they are irrelevant to the plot, but the more your main character is around them, the more 3D they will need to be.  (eg, if your main character is the medicine cat apprentice, then their mentor will need to be pretty fleshed out)

Warriors:  For randoms, give them just one defining trait or write down a simple personality like 'kind, helpful, soft' or 'trickster, playful'.  If they're someone like the main character's mentor or family, give them more personality.  You should know at least their basic backstory so that you know what drives them.  Also, make sure to create families and friendships outside of the main character's little world.  We may never find out that Reedheart and Splashpelt are sisters, but at least you'll know.  

Apprentices:  If they are not in the same generation as your main character, then they are a random.  If these apprentices are training with your main character, then give them more personality.  Finding out their stories are often turning points for new friendships and enemies for your main character.  

Queens:  Follow same procedure as apprentices.  If they are the character's mother, then you should know quite a bit about them.  

Kits:  Same as the previous ones.  Use your head to figure out how relevant to the plot they are and then give them the appropraite amount of detail.  

Elders:  Yeah, no-one really cares about their life story but give them a decent personality that is new and interesting.  Elders are really prone to becoming the 'nice cat, cranky cat, story cat' trio.  Enter Mousefur, Longtail and Purdy.  They were great in the books, but we need a new set of elders.  Seriously.  

Other Clan leaders:  Give them a basic personality please.  Enough said.

Well, I think that's all.  Next time, we'll focus on your main character.  I hope you enjoyed that, and tell me how much of the 'stock Clan' you felt was stocky XD

Votes and comments are much appreciated and help me know that you like this story :)

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