"I'll see you guys at home. I have to stay after school today." I said, getting up from the table.

"How are we supposed to get home? Did you forget we rode here with you?" Daniel said.

"This is why you guys need to drive your own cars! Just take my keys I'll find a way home." I dug around in my pocket getting my keys before tossing them in Daniel face. Yeah immature I know.

Turning around I started heading out the cafeteria.


I was dreading going back to Mr. Valentine class. He was so annoying! And I knew he would only infuriate me more. Not to mention force me to move boxes.

I stood outside his door debating on ditching. I could just leave right now. It's not like anyone knows I have to stay after. The worst he could do is give-

"Are you planning on ditching again?" An amused voice asked from behind me. Damn so much for ditching.

"Of course not sir. I was simply admiring this doorframe." I turned giving him an innocent smile. He smirked at me.

"Didn't think so, I knew you'd never do something as reckless as that." He walked pass me and pushed the classroom door open. I groaned before following in after him. I stood by the door as he walked towards the closet. "Don't just stand there; the boxes aren't going to walk to you." He called over his shoulder.

"The boxes aren't going to walk to you." I mocked under my breath. Stepping into the closet after him I glared at his back.

"Here." He said placing a big one in my arms. As I turned to walk away I felt a small pat on my ass. I spun around ready to drop the box and punch him. But he was facing the other way and reaching for a box. When he turned back to face me I glared daggers at him. "What? It was just for strength." He grinned.

"Touch me again and I'll break every one of your fingers!" I snarled.

"Tsk tsk threatening a teacher? I wonder how the principal would feel about that."

"I wonder how the principal would feel if he knew he hired a perverted teacher." I retorted. His grin only widened. I turned away from him before I did something I would surely regret. I walked out of his classroom carrying my box but then stopped. Where was I supposed to take this? I felt stupid as I waited for Mr. Valentine to come out the class. I followed him silently as we made our way down the hall.

We worked silently as we continued to carry boxes back and forth. My thoughts were on one thing. His hand on my butt. Not only was I tempted to strangle him but I also wanted to jump his bones. Good grief get a hold of yourself girl!

"Rylan." I loved the way he said my name. I wondered what it would be like if he moaned it.

"Yes?" I looked up at him. He was staring down at me with an amused expression.

"Did you not here me calling you?" He asked.

"Yes?" I answered lamely. I didn't hear him calling me at all. I was too busy having R rated thoughts about him.

"We're done here, you can leave now." He said.

"Uh yeah, about that..." I trailed off. "I need a ride." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"And that's my problem how?" What a jerk.

"Well you did force me to stay after school with you." I crossed my arms. He sighed.

"Must you always be a burden?"

"You wanted me here!"

"I want you in a lot of places." He gave me a naughty grin. Is it just me or did everybody panties hit the floor?

"Can you take me home?" I asked. Then regretted it instantly when I saw his smile widened.

"Want me to take you to bed too?" Was he really flirting with me in school? He's acting just like he did at the club. Fine two can play that game.

"Are you sure you can handle me?" I batted my eyelashes at him. His grinned dropped for a second as lust filled his eyes. Just as quickly as it came it disappeared. I wonder if I imagined it.

"Lightweight, I can handle every little part of you." That ended all my fun.

I glared at him. "Stop calling me lightweight!" He chuckled. Walking over to his desk he grabbed his keys and other work stuff.

"Let's go." We walked side by side as I followed him to the parking lot. It was empty except for a few other teachers staying after school late. My eyes widened as I saw the black mustang he walked to.

"Oh my god! This is your car? You're so lucky! I've always wanted one." I ran my fingers across the passenger door. I've always wanted one of these, but since everyone insisted on riding with me I could never get one.

"You like?" He asked.

"Yes!" I opened the door and almost had a heart attack. He had the inside custom made. The interior was all gold! And the seats were gold as well. "Oh my god." I repeated. Mr. Valentine chuckled.

"I've imagined this reaction before, only you were talking about my di-"I glared at him, daring him to finish that sentence. "dog." He said instead.

"Let's just go before I kill myself." I mumbled. Maybe I can jump out while the car is moving if he make any more dirty comments. He started the car up and pulled out of the parking lot at full speed. I didn't mind, I loved driving my car fast. As I looked around the car I noticed an aux cord sticking out of the radio. I don't think he'd mind.

Reaching forward I grabbed the cord and plugged it into my phone. I saw him glance at me sideways but didn't say anything. I scrolled through my phone until I found the song I wanted to play.

"Have you ever been hated or discriminated against? I have, I've been protested and demonstrated against. Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times sick as the mind of the motherfucking kid that's behind. All this commotion emotion run deep as oceans exploding, tempers flaring from parents just blow'em off and keep going. Not taking nothing from no one give'em hell long as I'm breathing, keep kicking ass in the morning and taking names in the evening. Leave'em with the taste as sour as vinegar in they mouth. See they can trigger me, but they'll never figure me out. Look at me now, I bet ya probably sick of me now ain't you momma? I'mma make you look so ridiculous now!" I sang pouring my heart into the lyrics. There was just something about this song that made it not possible for me to hide my feelings.

What surprised me the most was when Mr. Valentine started singing the chorus. "I'm sorry momma! I never meant to hurt you! I never meant to make you cry, but tonight I'm cleaning out my closet." I giggled as he pretended to hold a microphone to his mouth.

"Hands on the wheel!" I scolded him. He looked over at me and smirked.

"Did I mess up your solo? This isn't fair. Start my part over." He told me seriously. I laughed.

"No way! You already ruined the song once." I said just as seriously, trying to hold in my laughter.

For the rest of the ride we went back and forth singing different parts to songs. When we pulled up at my house I was almost disappointed that the ride was over. Then a thought occurred to me.

"Wait, how do you know where I live?" I asked looking over at him. He gave me a secret smile.

"I have my ways, now get out." I glared at him as he started softly pushing me towards the door. Opening the door I slammed it shut behind me as I got out. I smiled softly to myself when I heard him blow the horn.

"Next time you're walking!" He yelled out the window. I gave him the finger before walking in the house.

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