MOPH: Chapter 10

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A/N - I feel like I'm rushing things  so please comment below telling me what you think about the chapters or the book in general  (: I'm also debating on if I should rewrite/edit the chapters because I got this really cool idea on where I would like this fanfiction to go, so please also comment if you think I should rewrite/edit the chapters I have done so far.


Sora face palmed in both embarrassment and irritation, "Carter you baka,"she muttered under her breath.

In front of the school, there was a black limo. The limo driver and the butler were both standing in between the gates that were in front of the school. Holding a poster with big bolded letters it read, "SORA TOSHIRO HOTORI I LOVE YOU PLS COME TOO THE BALL WITH ME -from the hottest Shizuka". 

 A whole bunch of people were looking at the sign in curiosity.

"Hey Sora, what's going on?" Sora turned around and saw Law ,Kid , and Luffy standing there. Law had his hand over his mouth chuckling. 'He probably knows what Shizuka did this,dang,'Sora thought. Luffy was looking at the poster in confusion and Kid...he was just being his duck self.

Before Sora could reply a loud voice said, "SORA YOU'RE FINALLY HERE," she was hugged from behind. She tried getting out of Carter's grip but he was holding onto her really tight. His grip tightened as he noticed Law standing in front of them casually.

"Law," Carter growled in irritation. Law had his right hand in his pants pocket, he tilted his head to the right slightly, ending up appearing taller than Carter, a wide smirk was playing on his lips. He slightly waved with his left hand," Yo Cart."

"My name is Carter not Cart."

Law turned too Sora,"I didn't know you were engaged to this  Shizuka."

"I'm not," she said bluntly. He chuckled,"Arranged?" Sora nodded, sighing at the end. "HEY YOU'RE ENGAGED!" Luffy shouted, pulling Sora away from Carter. His face was really close too Sora's that she ended up blushing slightly.

"N-No Luffy, It's arranged..."

There was a moment of silence. Carter was looking at where Sora was moments ago, his eye brows furrowed. Law's eyes were narrowed as he stared at how close both Luffy and Sora were. Kid had walked off not caring for the situation. While Luffy was staring deep into Sora's eyes, And finally Sora, herself, was thinking of a way to escape Carter while trying not to be distracted by Luffy's eyes.

A light bulb appeared on top of Sora's head as she thought of a plan, " Sorry Luffy~," she sang as she kissed his cheek. She quickly grabbed his hand and threw him into Carter. They both rolled around on the ground as she took her chance too run away,trying to find a place to hide.

After a few minutes of running around, Sora quickly ran into a classroom and hid under a desk. "Jeez, Why did he have too come all the way here? But then again..." She started remembering all the times Carter had chased around trying too get closer too her.

This was probably the 495th time he had tried too get her to go with him...any where actually. She hummed in thought. Ever since she was ten and he was eleven, he claimed he would make her fall in love with him. Obviously, he epically failed each time he tried too be "romantic". But every single time he failed he ended up becoming more and more determined.

Carter Shizuka, is 17 years old now. He's the heir of the Shizuka company, soon to be one of the richest guys in both Japan and America.  He's honestly really cocky but he's very thoughtful and caring too. Carter is well built, being strong and athletic, which made up for his cocky personality and the intelligence he somewhat lacked. He had brown medium length hair and dark mesmerizing green eyes.

There was probably no reason to not fall in love with him. But, he wasn't her type. Maybe Sora was really playing hard too get. Maybe she was in love with him. But, then again she knew for a fact that he was just a close friend too her. Even though it didn't seem like she cared for him at times. She wouldn't ever think of falling in love with him. Not to mention there was already someone...she was in love with...

Weather she admitted it or not, she was in love with someone. Every time she was with him she would fall for him even more.

Sora got out of her hiding place and chuckled while shaking her head,"I guess i'll say yes too going to the ball with him."

The 4 legions ball. It was held every 3 years at the most expensive richest restaurant there was in Australia. The top 4 richest companies would be there. The Shizukas, The Hotoris, The Trafalgars, and The Dracules.  It was a special event where all the four families came together too try too form a stronger bond with each other along with creating more business deals with each other.

There would also be a couple of smaller companies that would be there too but most of the people that were there would be members of one of the four main families. Not too mention it was also be a place where many fights would happened, Sora enjoyed that part of the party, it was amusing seeing adults argue over irrelevant stuff. 

Sora then opened the door too see an out of breath Carter. "I'll go with you Shizuka,"she said patting his head while walking passed him. "W-Wait YOU WILL?"

Carter all of sudden stood beside Sora who was laughing," Mhm, What time are you picking me up?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. He coughed, looking away trying hard not too blush. 'She's so cute,' he thought.

Clearing his throat he said, " 5pm,I'll be waiting at the front gate for you."

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