「To Loud」| Bokuto Koutaro

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Hehehhe I was struggling with what should I write and then bam this idea came to me soo I decided to write it :p sorry if it sucks and if its to short.

Anime : Haikyuu
You were walking back and forth from the office to the classrooms walking with a bunch of papers in your hand. Now usually You would be in class but the teacher had send you to send papers for the office and the office had to send. You to take some folders for a class and so the cycle continued. Once you finished it you were in the middle of a hall filled with students . You were on your way to see your child hood friend on their volleyball practice but that changed when you heard a loud and familiar voice screaming "HEY HEY HEY (Y/N)" You froze at your spot seeing a very fast Bokuto coming your way with a very tired looking Akashi. "Oh hi kou-san" you said slightly surprised that they were not at volleyball practice. As if listening to your thoughts, Bokuto said "the volleyball team decided to take a day off." You smiled gently "ahh that's great". Bokuto just smiled and patted my head " I KNOW (Y/N) LETS HAVE LUNCH TOGETHER." Hearing that, some random girls walking to the hallway made aww noises saying that we where such a good couple. My face flushed when i heard that "Kou-san" i said "you're being to loud and its bringing misunderstandings." "EHH I don't really get it" he replied back. You sweat dropped did he literally not just hear what the girls were saying. You sighed "kou-san just lower your voice a bit" "OKAY! I'll try" he replied smiling sheepishly. You just blushed. You see, when people first meet you, they think of you as a shy girl. Lets just say you weren't a shy girl, you just liked peace and quiet, which is kinda the opposite of your crush Bokuto Koutaro, it's still a wonder how you happen to like him but hey that's not the case here. As you were about to make a conversation, Akashi seemed to catch up and was now panting softly. "Bokuto-san why did you leave without explaining anything to me." Bokuto just tilted his head to the side "what was i talking about again" Bokuto asked. "Something about being ready to do something?" (potato: hey hey hey) Akashi replied, more like questioned himself. Bokuto thought to himself for a second. "Hmmmm... OH YEAH REMEMBER NOW" He turned to me "HEY (Y/N) WANNA BE MY GIRLFRIEND!" It took you a while to process this. Meanwhile you were processing this, Akashi, being the nice person he is, began to scold Bokuto about being to loud and that it wasn't the wisest decision to confess in front of a huge crowd. "Y-yes" you managed to say. Bokuto ignoring Akashi celebrated while the crowd cheered. Bokuto being Bokuto picked you up and hugged you "IM GOING TO SHOWOFF MY ADORABLE GIRLFRIEND TO THAT STUPID CAT CAPTAIN." What he didn't realized is that you fainted. Until Akashi pointed it out.
Person : why are so short
Me : I'm closer to hell
Person : !!!!! *backs away slowly*

Short but sweet...UNLIKE MY CHAPTER _Kiwi

'Next: Assassination Classroom Isogai (kill me)

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