Chapter-13) Ghosts From The Future?

Start from the beginning

"So, over there, I learned that my doppelgänger, she grew up with mom, my mom. And she had it rough. Like her childhood basically turned her into this villain."

"You don't think?" I nod. "What if this happened to me? What if Francine decided to take me after all?"

"Look, you're a good person, always have been and always will be."

"I just can't help but wonder, and, your doppelgänger didn't even know that we were related because earth-2 dad didn't say anything until..."

"Until?" Iris urges. "Until he was dying. Over there, Iris I watched our father die, and it hurt. It hurt me to the core. And the sad thing about it all, is I know that he wasn't our dad but it still hurt seeing him like that." My hands were shaking and Iris reaches over and holds them.

"Look at me, our father. Our Joe West, he is healthy. He's safe and I know you're my sister." I let out a small sigh and look at the salt shaker.

I want to tell Iris about the headaches, but if I tell her what's causing them, she might tell the others, and I don't want to end up in a cell again...

One Week Later...

In honor of Jay, we made a glass case for his helmet. Barry and I made a pact that when we go back to Earth-2 we will defeat Zoom and my doppelgänger, as well as free the man that have locked in that glass cell.

So here we are trying to get faster.

I have my own methods and Barry has his.

"This is not a good idea." Caitlyn says beside me. "Of course it's not. I mean if he doesn't make the jump, Ku-splat! And there we have a flash hot cake." I say slapping my hands together.

"That's not funny Rose." Barry comments as he pulls on his mask. "Oh I know it's not funny, I would have laughed. Now why in the hell are you listening to Cisco on this?"

"Hey, this is a good plan."

"Yeah to get my boyfriend killed."

"Hey, this is my choice. So I'm going to run across this and stick the landing." Barry says to Cisco and I. "I swear if he hurts himself, I'm putting nair in your shampoo." Cisco's mouth drops and I walk away before I send his equipment flying over the cliff.

"You know this cliff didn't look so deep in the map." Cisco comments. "That's because maps are flat, which can happen to my boyfriend." I mutter under my breath.

"Look Barry you got this. I'm 80% sure of it...79...78...77...Caitlyn stop me before Rose sends me off the cliff." Cisco says backing away from me.

"If you don't feel ready, you probably should listen to Rose, and don't do it."

"Not helpful."

I walk up to Barry and give him a kiss. "You better pull every prayer out your ass and make sure this works."

"It will, remember we said we would do whatever it takes to find a way back to Earth-2, to stop them and to save the man they have captured." I move back and stand by Caitlyn and Harry as Barry gets ready to test his speed.

Barry's right, I mean. Neither of us were fast enough to save Jay.

"God please work, please work..."

Barry takes off across the cliff and he seems like he's going to make it on the other side...and no.

I take off and catch him before he hits the bottom near the waterfall.

When we land I look at Cisco.

"I should sleep with one eye open from now on huh?" I glare at him and I call it. We're fine for the day...

Chase The Impossible *A Barry Allen/OC Love Story #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now