Chapter 9

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Written by G8rguy

Jude walks back into the house late enough to be sure that Connor was gone to the stadium. He had managed to spend the day "running errands" to avoid running into Connor today. He knew he was being a bit unfair about everything. He figured that the guys pulled the 'single' new rookie out to the bar and it probably got out of hand quickly. Connor was never able to say or do something that made others feel bad or disappointed. It annoyed Jude that Connor only seemed to be able to say no to him instead of strangers, but he finally realized that he was overreacting...probably.

However just because he could have been more understanding didn't mean that Connor didn't screw up. A damn text or call from the bathroom would at least have been something. Connor did try calling several times that day eventually leaving a voicemail apology for coming in late. However Jude decided to return the favor instead. He had called Jesus and asked to go out with him tonight. They were going to go out to a bar and Jude had agreed to whatever Jesus planned as long as it met his only condition...they would be out till 1am.

So Jude was dragged first to a sports bar for wings and beer with Jesus and his friends before going to a club that normally would have given Jude a migraine but he was determined so he faked having a good time and, to be honest, he actually did have fun. He danced with a couple of fairly drunk girls and actually had fun. They had flirted with him and he just smiled and asked if they had a brother which caused both of them to scream with laughter before dancing even wilder.

Jude finally grabbed a tax at 12:45am to head home after getting Jesus and his friends in their cab first and climbed up to his apartment. He walked into the apartment and saw that the table was still set and it smelled like Italian. Opening the fridge he saw several cartons from their favorite restaurant in there and he frowned slightly. Connor must have planned on an apology dinner and he felt guilty for going out with Jesus before he remembered he was trying to make a point.

Walking towards the bedroom he looked in and saw Connor in their bed asleep. Walking in to the bathroom he changed and brushed his teeth. Putting a glass of water and some aspirin on the nightstand he crawled into the bed, careful not to wake Connor, and went to sleep.

The next morning he woke up to a warm body laying up against him. He opened his eyes and saw Connor's arm laying over him, holding on to his chest, with Connor's face buried in the crook of Jude's shoulder and neck. Jude could feel Connor's breath, regular with sleep, on his skin as he heard the usual snuffling sounds Connor made when he snuggled asleep. They must have snuggled together in their sleep, which is how they usually slept so it shouldn't have come as a surprise to Jude.

Jude was enjoying the feeling of Connor's embrace when he felt his breathing change and knew he was awake. Jude waited to see what his boyfriend would do and then Connor pulled on his arm, drawing Jude back up against him. "Good morning" Connor mumbled.

"Morning" Jude responded softly.

"Missed you yesterday" Connor said carefully.

"I had a meeting with my editor and then ran a bunch of errands" Jude replied just as carefully. "Then Jesus and I went out for the night. Dinner and a club" Jude finished.

"You went to a club?" Connor asked loosening his grip.

"Yeah. Danced with a couple of girls, drank a little, had a good time you know" Jude said simply. "It was nice."

Connor was silent for a few minutes but Jude heard his breathing continuing. "Congrats on the win last night by the way" Jude added.

"Thanks" Connor said with a flat tone. "You didn't take my calls all day"

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