Chapter 8

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Connor walked off the field after practice walking alongside Steve as they headed back to the locker room to shower and change. He was tired, but it was the good kind of tired, the tired that told him that he had worked hard and he could feel it throughout his body.

"You have been killing it Stevens" Steve said with a smile. "I don't know what's been happening with you lately man but whatever it is keep it up!"

Connor smiles at him as he walks into the locker room, peeling off his pads and equipment. The rest of the guys are all there, talking and laughing as they toss their uniforms into the laundry bins. Connor finishes stripping down before grabbing his towel and soap and heads to the showers as him and Steve continue talking. Steve has a new girlfriend that he is totally into and he is going on about her for the entire time they are in there. Connor feels a pang that he cannot say anything about Jude, but he knows it is a small thing. The guys tease Steve about his gushing and they are all laughing and smiling as they get dressed and head for the parking lot.

"You need a ride?" Connor asks Steve as they walk to the edge of the lot.

Steve smiles and waves at Jude, standing beside his car waiting for them. "Nah. Cheryl is picking me up in five so I'm good" he tells Connor. "Hey Jude!" he calls over and snickers.

"Dude...still not funny" Connor says shoving him.

Steve laughs and heads to the front section to wait for his girl as Connor gets in the car and they take off. "Good practice?" Jude asks with a smile.

"Great one" Connor tells him. "It's been strange these last couple weeks after everything happened with my father, but I have been playing the best I have ever played. I really like these guys Jude and I am loving this" he says with a satisfied sigh.

Jude smiles knowing that Adam's death affected him more than he wants to admit, but he poured himself into the game and has been amazing. Jude has been enjoying going to the games and watching and learning more about baseball than he ever thought he would.

"Are we still going to dinner with your moms?" Connor asks Jude.

"Yes" Jude says happily. They drive over to the Adams-Foster house for a home cooked meal with Stef and Lena. It has become a tradition that they try and do at least once a month, more if possible, but Connor really enjoys the feel of a normal, healthy family.


Connor gets the message to report to the Padre's GM's office after their game and he is not too sure what's happening. They had won the game and he was happy with his performance, 3 for 6, 1 HR and 5 RBIs and an assist, so he didn't think there was any reason for management to be unhappy with him, but it always made him nervous to get the call.

Connor walked into the office after being waved in by the GM's secretary. Walking in he saw the GM as well as the Padres' coach waiting there in the office and he felt his pulse start to race.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Connor said pleased that he was able to keep his voice steady and cool.

"Stevens, come in" AJ said with a smile. "You know Maguire, our manager?" he said pointing at the new manager who smiled at Connor.

"Sir" Connor said with a nod.

"Not going to waste time Stevens, but you have been phenomenal this season and with both Martinez and Roberts on the injury list, we are calling you up" AJ says with a chuckle at the shocked expression on Connor's face. "Congrats son. You made it!"

Connor is speechless but he nods and smiles as he realizes that he has made it. He will be playing for a major league baseball team.

"You report to training tomorrow" Maguire tells him. "I will have the details sent to you later tonight, but we will see you at 9:00am tomorrow morning. Good?" he asks standing up. Connor agrees and shakes his hand before the manager walks out.

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